Athenz authorizer is a library to cache the policies of Athenz to authorizer authentication and authorization check of user request.
To initialize authorizer.
package main
import (
authorizerd ""
func main() {
// Initialize authorizerd
daemon, err := authorizerd.New(
authorizerd.WithAthenzURL(""), // set athenz URL
authorizerd.WithAthenzDomains("domain1", "domain2", "domain N"), // set athenz domains
authorizerd.WithPubkeyRefreshPeriod("12h"), // optional, default: 24h
authorizerd.WithPolicyRefreshPeriod("1h"), // optional, default: 30m
if err != nil {
// cannot initialize authorizer daemon
log.Fatalf("daemon new error: %v", err)
// Start authorizer daemon
ctx := context.Background() // user can control authorizer daemon lifetime using this context
if err = daemon.Init(ctx); err != nil { // initialize internal daemons in dependency order (e.g. public keys before signed policies)
// cannot initialize internal daemons inside authorizer
log.Fatalf("daemon init error: %v", err)
errs := daemon.Start(ctx)
go func() {
for err := range errs {
// user should handle errors return from the daemon
log.Printf("daemon start error: %v", err)
act := "action"
res := "resource"
// Authorize with access token
at := "<certificate bound access token>"
certPEM := "<binding certificate>"
block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(certPEM))
if block == nil {
log.Fatalln("failed to parse certificate PEM")
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(block.Bytes)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("invalid x509 certificate: %v", err)
atp, err := daemon.AuthorizeAccessToken(ctx, at, act, res, cert)
if err != nil {
// NOT authorized, please take appropriate action
log.Fatalf("access token not authorized: %v", err)
log.Printf("authorized principal in access token: %#v", atp)
// Authorize with role token
rt := "<role token>"
rtp, err := daemon.AuthorizeRoleToken(ctx, rt, act, res)
if err != nil {
// NOT authorized, please take appropriate action
log.Fatalf("role token not authorized: %v", err)
log.Printf("authorized principal in role token: %#v", rtp)
To do the authentication and authorization check, the user needs to specify which domain data to be cache. The authorizer will periodically refresh the policies and Athenz public key data to verify and decode the domain data. The verified domain data will cache into the memory, and use for authentication and authorization check.
The authorizer contains two sub-module, Athenz public key daemon (pubkeyd) and Athenz policy daemon (policyd).
Athenz public key daemon (pubkeyd) is responsible for periodically update the Athenz public key data from Athenz server to verify the policy data received from Athenz policy daemon and verify the role token.
Athenz policy daemon (policyd) is responsible for periodically update the policy data of specified Athenz domain from Athenz server. The received policy data will be verified using the public key got from pubkeyd, and cache into memory. Whenever user requesting for the access check, the verification check will be used instead of asking Athenz server every time.
The authorizer uses functional options pattern to initialize the instance. All the options are defined here.
Option name | Description | Default Value | Required | Example |
AthenzURL | The Athenz server URL | | Yes | "" |
AthenzDomains | Athenz domain names that contain the RBAC policies | [] | Yes | "domName1", "domName2" |
HTTPClient | The HTTP client for connecting to Athenz server | http.Client{ Timeout: 30 * time.Second } | No | http.DefaultClient |
CacheExp | The TTL of the success cache | 1 Minute | No | 1 * time.Minute |
Enable/DisablePubkeyd | Run public key daemon or not | true | No | |
PubkeySysAuthDomain | System authority domain name to retrieve Athenz public key data | sys.auth | No | "sys.auth" |
PubkeyRefreshPeriod | Period to refresh the Athenz public key data | 24 Hours | No | "24h" |
PubkeyETagExpiry | ETag cache TTL of Athenz public key data | 168 Hours (1 Week) | No | "168h" |
PubkeyETagPurgePeriod | ETag cache purge duration | 84 Hours | No | "84h" |
PubkeyRetryDelay | Delay of next retry on request failed | 1 Minute | No | "1m" |
Enable/DisablePolicyd | Run policy daemon or not | true | No | |
PolicyExpiryMargin | Update the policy by a margin duration before the policy actually expires | 3 Hours | No | "3h" |
PolicyRefreshPeriod | Period to refresh the Athenz policies | 30 Minutes | No | "30m" |
PolicyPurgePeriod | Policy cache purge duration | 1 Hours | No | "1h" |
PolicyRetryDelay | Delay of next retry on request fail | 1 Minute | No | "1m" |
PolicyRetryAttempts | Maximum retry attempts on request fail | 2 | No | 2 |
Enable/DisableJwkd | Run JWK daemon or not | true | No | |
JwkRefreshPeriod | Period to refresh the Athenz JWK | 24 Hours | No | "24h" |
JwkRetryDelay | Delay of next retry on request fail | 1 Minute | No | "1m" |
jwkURLs | URL to get jwk other than AthenzURL | [] | No | "http://domain1/jwks", "http://domain2/jwks" |
AccessTokenParam | Use access token verification, details: AccessTokenParam | Same as AccessTokenParam | No | {} |
Enable/DisableRoleToken | Use role token verification or not | true | No | |
RoleAuthHeader | The HTTP header to extract role token | Athenz-Role-Auth | No | "Athenz-Role-Auth" |
Enable/DisableRoleCert | Use role certificate verification or not | true | No | |
RoleCertURIPrefix | Extract role from role certificate | athenz://role/ | No | "athenz://role/" |
Option name | Description | Default Value | Required | Example |
enable | Use access token verification or not | true | No | true |
verifyCertThumbprint | Use certificate bound access token verification | true | No | true |
certBackdateDur | Backdate duration of the issue time of the certificate | 1 Hour | No | "1h" |
certOffsetDur | Offset window to accept access token with a mismatching certificate thumbprint | 1 Hour | No | "1h" |
verifyClientID | Use authorized client ID verification | false | No | false |
authorizedClientIDs | Authorized client ID to certificate common name map | nil | No | { "atClientID": { "certCN1", "certCN2" } } |