Good looking planets in ThreeJS [in progress].
git clone [email protected]:Astrak/three-planets
cd three-planets
yarn start
This starts a server on port 8080 showing a scene as in the picture.
import { Planet, PlanetMaterial, PlanetAtmosphere } from "three-planets";
const star = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 15, 0);
star.position.set(5, 0, 0);
const earth = new THREE.Planet({
planetRadius: 1,
atmosphereRadius: 1.015,
atmosphereAltitudeOfAverageDensity: 0.47,
albedoMap: textureLoader.load("textures/land2_8192.png", filterLinear),
bumpMap: textureLoader.load("textures/bump.jpg", filterLinear),
specularMap: textureLoader.load("textures/specular.png", filterLinear),
cloudMap: textureLoader.load("textures/clouds.jpg", filterLinear),
emissiveMap: textureLoader.load("textures/ground4096.jpg", filterLinear),
cloudPatternMap: textureLoader.load(
cityMap: textureLoader.load("textures/city3.jpg", repeatWrapping),
cityMask: textureLoader.load("textures/cities_4096.jpg", repeatWrapping),
suburbsMask: textureLoader.load(
earth.sun = star;
scene.add(earth, star);
// Used for small textures multiplying the color of the base ones and used to increase details.
function repeatWrapping(texture: THREE.Texture) {
texture.wrapS = texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
// Used to maintain details, especially for cloud shadows in the distance.
function filterLinear(texture: THREE.Texture) {
texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter;
- LOD bump
- cloud bump/normal
- handle shadow (moons, eclipse)
- tile mapping for much bigger textures (blue marble)
- handle auroras
- extend shader chunk and write shader as chunks. Support other rendering chunks like tone mapping.
- inside view fix
- clearer MIE and Rayleigh
- way to set color from gas composition ?
- average density altitude : fix. On earth it should be 5km...
- onBeforeRender workaround?