Adds VR support to Cloudpunk and Cloudpunk City of Ghosts.
Steam page of the games:
☕ If you wanna show some support you can buy me a coffee :
- Download the zip file, depending if you want to play
- Cloudpunk:
- Cloudpunk City of Ghosts:
- Extract its content into the game root folder, the folder containing the "Cloudpunk.exe" or "Cloudpunk - City of Ghosts.exe"
- Launch the game like you usually launch it via steam or the exe file.
- Enjoy !
No motion controller support. You need a gamepad or keyboard/mouse.
Press "Menu" action to recenter VR view (start button on a gamepad or escape key on a keyboard)
The game is pretty heavy on performances especially in VR.
- Depending on your performances, lower the ingame settings.
- If this is not enough, start by lowering the VR headset resolution.
- In the game root folder in /BepInEx/config. You'll find a txt file called "CloudpunkVR.cfg".
- In this file you will have the following options:
maxVehicleCharactersDivider = 1 => This can lower the number of vehicles and pedestrians ingame. It can help with framerate. It is a divider. If there are 100 vehicles ingame and you put 2 here, there will be 100 / 2 vehicles.
RainAndSheetsRenderer = true => this can disable the rain falling in front of you if you prefer. true = rain active, false = rain inactive.
If you wanna deactivate the VR mod, you just need to rename the file winhttp.dll in the game root folder.
It can be named anything BUT "winhttp.dll".
"winhttp" = mod active
"anythingelse" = mod inactive.