Hello! Below are the instructions for a code challenge we'd like you to prepare. Please limit yourself to 3-4 hours maximum on your solution, we want to respect your time but ask for a small commitment to see your skills in action.
Build a todo list app in React Native. It should meet the following:
- As a user, I can add an item to my todo list
- As a user, I can edit an item in my todo list
- As a user, I can delete an item in my todo list
- Include at least one item from the #extraFeatures section
- It should look and feel easy to use and simple, but pleasing
- It should have some degree of styling applied to the elements
- It should be responsively implemented for large, medium, and small screens
- Be launchable
- Built in React Native
- Uses a theme library for components
- Include a readme of how to install dependencies and launch the app
Time permitting, choose one or several of the following features and implement them.
- A todo can have a due date that can be set in an accessible way
- A todo can be marked completed and marked incomplete if I make a mistake clicking
- I can filter my todos list into completed vs incomplete
- Todos can be ordered, and I drag and drop a 'handle' to change its ordering
- The code base is tested, either unit tested or integration tested
- Todos have persistant storage between app close and re-open
Your solution will be used as the basis of a code reviewing and pairing interview. Be prepared to talk about your code, why you made certain decisions, and be ready to walk another developer through your codebase.
Upload a tar or zip file to GDrive, Dropbox, S3, etc and provide me with a link to download your files.
Fork this repo in Github and submit a pull request