- First item a.first sub-item A) first sub-sub-item b. second sub-item
- Second item
- Third item a.second sub item
- Fourth item
- Frist Item
- Second Item
- first sub-item
- first sub - sub - item
- second sub-item
You can align text in the columns to the left ,right , or center by adding a colon(:) to the left , rif=ght ,or on both side of the hyphens within the header row.
Syntax | Description | Test Text |
Header | Title | Here's this |
Paragruph | Text | Add more |
6.S191 software labs are designed to be completed at your own pace . At the end of each of the of the labs , there will be instructions on how you can submit your notebook for grade .Additionally , if you would like to submit your lab as part of the 6.S91 lab competitions , instructions regarding what information must br submitted is also provided at the end of each lab.
All code in this repository is copyright 2022 MIT 6.S191 Intruduction to DEEP Learning .. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the mit License. You may not use this file expect in compliance with the License.User and / or modification of this code outside of 6.S191 must reference :
© MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning