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Nvidia Tesla

Ashok Bhat edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 6 revisions


  • Products targeted at stream processing or GPGPU
  • Programmable using the CUDA or OpenCL APIs.


Product uArch CUDA Cores Tensor Cores FP32 TOPS Power
Tesla T4 Turing 2560 320 8.1 TFLOPS 70 W
Tesla V100 for PCIe Volta 5120 14 TFLOPS 250 W
Tesla P100 for PCIe Pascal 3584 9.3 TFLOPS 250 W
Tesla K80 for PCIe Kepler 4992 ? 8.3 TFLOPS 300 W
Tesla M60 for PCIe Maxwell 2048 ? ? 300 W
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