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Calculating Max Independent Set with greedy algorithm

Tech 🛠️ Languages and Tools :

Python  Networkx  MatPlotLib 

For Tree : anytree Lib and from scratch tree for O(n) algortihm

For Graph : networkX Lib and matplotlib for showing the graph

Max Independent Set for Tree

Time complexity : O(n*h(n))

Always return correct answer (Always return Max Independent Set)

Prove :

Step 1 : Initialization The initial set unCutNodesSet is constructed by adding the root and all descendants. Using Root.descendants from the anytree library, this operation takes O(n), where n is the number of nodes in the tree.

Step 2 : Independent Set Iteration

  • Checking if a node has no children (leaf check) is O(1).
  • Appending to IndependentSet and removing from unCutNodesSet are both O(1).
  • For each non-leaf node, the function calls itself recursively on each child. and we can say if we have k nodes under the selected subtree then complexity should be O(k)
  • what does this section do ? it found all of leaf nodes of a subtree then add those to the independent set list then remove all leafs and preant leafs from the tree.

Step 3 : Main Loop The main loop iterates as long as unCutNodesSet is not empty. Within each iteration:

  • Choosing a node in unCutNodesSet: The line next(iter(unCutNodesSet)) takes O(1) time.
  • Calling IndependentSetIteration: The core of the complexity lies in this recursive function.

Total Complexity : The while loop calls Independent Set Iteration function O(h(n)) times since Complexity of the Independent Set Iteration function is O(n) then the total complexity should be O(n) + O(n* h(n)) = O(n*h(n))

Best Case : Now if we have a full tree it shows the Best case and the complexity should be Ω(n*Log(n)).

Worst Case : if we had a line tree then is shows the worst case and the complexity should be O(n^2).

Optimized Max Independent Set for Tree

Time complexity : O(n)

Always return correct and optimal answer (Always return Max Independent Set)

Prove :

Step 1 : Tree and Nodes Initialization

  • Constructing each Node runs in O(1) wtih attributes like data, parent, children.
  • Since constructing the whole tree wtih n Nodes costs O(n).

Step 2 : Iteration costs every steps in while itration costs O(1) and we can say that each iteration costs O(1).

Step 2.1 : Constructing Leafs

  • In the initialization step we add leafs of the tree dynamically each one cost O(1) and for whole tree costs O(n).

Step 2.2 : Accessing to a Leaf Node

  • Accessing to a random leaf in a set next(iter(tree.leafs)) Costs O(1)

Step 2.3 : Adding the Leaf to the Independent Set

  • Appending the leaf to the IndependentSet list is O(1).

Step 2.4 : Removing the Leaf

  • Removing the leaf from the tree.leafs set is O(1) because removing elements from a set is an O(1) operation.

Step 2.5 : Removing the Parent and Grandparent

  • Removing grandparent children leaf.parent.parent.children.remove(leaf.parent) costs O(1) because removing elements from a set is an O(1) operation.
  • Removing the grandparent leaf.parent.parent = None costs O(1)
  • Removing Parent leaf.parent = None costs O(1)

Step 2.6 : Update Leafs set

  • Adding a node to leafs set tree.leafs.add(leaf.parent.parent) costs O(1)

Step 3 : Function costs Each iteration of the while loop costs O(1) since we do this to achive all leafs and then remove the leafs now a graph has n nodes at worst case and we can say that function costs O(n)

Max Independent Set for Graph

Time complexity : O(V^2+VE)

Sometimes return correct answer (because its greedy algorithm)

Correct answer :

Wrong answer :

the answer should be : F and E for the A, B, C, E, F, G set and a D node for whole graph then the answer should be : E, F, D but in greedy way we first choose G then can't choose E and F then we just should choose a Node from the complete-4 graph A, B, C, D and the greedy answer being G and A which is incorrect.

Conclusion :

Greedy algorithm works correct for trees not graphs

Also greedy algorithm for tree has better complexity


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