Hi 👋! My name is Arthur and I'm a very curious Senior Full Stack & Mobile developer, from São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
👀 I’m interested in web development and mobile (TypeScript, ReacJS, React-Native, NodeJS, NestJS)
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...(TypeScript, ReactJS, React-Native, NodeJS, NestJS)
Someone who has started programming with Fortran (2010) for Aerospace engineering, passed by MATLAB (C/C++) programming languages creating tools on overall day-to-day engineering then during pandemics fell in love for app development for web/mobile/data management. I love solving problems that's my way to go!
Package Managers | Languages | MarkDown | Styling | Testing | CMS |
Front-End | Back-End | Mobile |
Version control | IDE | Databases | DevOPs & Others | Cloud Tools |
FarmGenerations - GrownBy
React Native (Web/Android/iOS), Redux, Firebase