The code of the paper Attention Aware Cost Volume Pyramid Based Multi-view Stereo Network for 3D Reconstruction (AACVP-MVSNet)。
The original paper could be found here (Arxiv) and here (Elsevier).
This work strongly strongly borrows the insights from the previous MVS approaches. More details in the Acknowledge part.
This project is inspired many previous MVS works, such as MVSNet and CVP-MVSNet. The self-attention layer and the group wise correlation are introduced in our network, aiming at improving the completeness and overall accuracy of 3D Reconstruction.
If you find this project useful for your research, please cite:
title = {Attention aware cost volume pyramid based multi-view stereo network for 3D reconstruction},
journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing},
volume = {175},
pages = {448-460},
year = {2021},
issn = {0924-2716},
doi = {},
url = {},
author = {Anzhu Yu and Wenyue Guo and Bing Liu and Xin Chen and Xin Wang and Xuefeng Cao and Bingchuan Jiang},
The best result of our model is listed below as well as some previous works.
Methods | Acc. (mm) | Comp. (mm) | Overall (mm) |
PruMVSNet | 0.495 | 0.433 | 0.464 |
PointMVSNet | 0.361 | 0.421 | 0.391 |
MVSNet | 0.449 | 0.380 | 0.414 |
CasMVSNet | 0.325 | 0.385 | 0.355 |
CVP-MVSNet | 0.296 | 0.406 | 0.351 |
Ours(BEST) | 0.353 | 0.299 | 0.326 |
Some results on BlendedMVS dataset is listed below.
Our experiment use the same dataset with CVP-MVSNet, so the usage of this code stays the same with CVP-MVSNet.
- Nvidia GPU with 11GB or more vRam.
- CUDA 10.1 or newer
- python3.7
- python2.7 for fusion script
We only test our code under mentioned requirements.
git clone
Testing data(2G):
Download the pre-processed DTU testing data from here and extract it to your own path.
When finished, you can find depth maps in outputs_pretrained
Check out Yao Yao's modified version of fusibile
git clone
Install fusibile by cmake .
and make
, which will generate the executable atFUSIBILE_EXE_PATH
Link fusibile executable into fusion folder (Note: You should modify FUSIBILE_EXE_PATH to the path to your fusibile executable)
ln -s FUSIBILE_EXE_PATH ./fusion/fusibile
Install extra dependencies
pip2 install -r ./fusion/requirements_fusion.txt
Use provided script to use fusibile to generate point clouds.
cd ./fusion/
Move the final3D files to output folder
Evaluate the point clouds using the DTU evaluation code.
The pretrained model is in BaiduYun (code:pse8). Put it in your folder and modify the path in
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.41801388 and No.41801319).
This repository is MAINLY based on the CVP-MVSNet repository by Jiayu Yang. Many thanks to Jiayu Yang for the great project!
The fusion implementation of T&T dataset is not based on the Fusibile toolbox, we use the mixed prob. masks at different levels and borrowed the insights from D2HC-RMVSNet and CasMVSNet_pl. Thanks Hongwei Yi and Kwea123 for their works.