- Dependencies
- Apps
- Theme
- Monitors
- Waybar
- Startup
- General
- Window stacking
- Window rules
- App rules
- Workspace rules
- Layer rules
- Decoration
- Input
- Misc
- Cursor
- Binds
- Animations
- Layouts
- Gestures
- Devices
- Core keybindings
- Leader keybindings
- Mouse bindings
- Experimental
- Debug
Name | Description |
hyprland | |
hyprpaper | |
waybar-hyprland |
sudo pacman -S hyprland hyprpaper
$myScript = $HOME/.local/bin
$myDMScript = $HOME/.local/bin/dm-scripts
$myHyprScript = $HOME/.config/hypr/scripts
$myEwwScript = $HOME/.config/eww/scripts
# cli tools
$myTerm = uwsm app -- alacritty
$myCliFiles = uwsm app -- alacritty -e vifmrun
$myCliMusic = alacritty --class ncmpcpp -e ncmpcpp
$myVisualizer = alacritty --class mini-visualizer -e cava
$mySysLog = alacritty --class syslog -e $myScript/syslog.sh
$myCliText = vim
$myCliSysAudio = alsamixer
$myCliSysMonitor = btop
$myCliSysTasks = htop
# core tools
$myWebBrowser = uwsm app -- qutebrowser
$myIncBrowser = uwsm app -- qutebrowser --target private-window
$myTorBrowser = uwsm app -- torbrowser-launcher
$myIde = uwsm app -- emacs
# $myIde = uwsm app -- emacsclient -ca ''
$myFiles = pcmanfm
$myEmail = uwsm app -- thunderbird
$myEmailClass = thunderbird
# gaming
$myGZDoom = uwsm app -- gzdoom
$myFHeroes2 = uwsm app -- fheroes2
$myGameHub = uwsm app -- gamehub
$myHeroic = uwsm app -- heroic
$myLutris = uwsm app -- lutris
$mySteam = uwsm app -- /usr/bin/steam-runtime %U
$myVCMI = uwsm app -- vcmilauncher
$myNexus = uwsm app -- /opt/nexusmods-app/NexusMods.App %u
# extra tools
$myLauncher = wofi --show drun
$myVirtManager = uwsm app -- virt-manager
$myTorrent = transmission-gtk
$myCalculator = gnome-calculator
$myAnki = uwsm app -- anki
$myColorPicker = hyprpicker -anr
# graphics tools
$myPhotoLibrary = uwsm app -- digikam
$myImgEditor = uwsm app -- gimp
$myVctEditor = uwsm app -- inkscape
$myVidEditor = uwsm app -- kdenlive
# chat apps
$myWhatsApp = whatsapp-for-linux
# $myDiscord = discord
# $myDiscordClass = discord
$myDiscord = webcord
$myDiscordClass = WebCord
# system tools
$mySysPower = xfce4-power-manager-settings
$mySysNetwork = nm-connection-editor
$mySysBluetooth = blueman-manager
# eww
$eww-monitor = monitor
$eww-power = powermenu-panel
$eww-quick-settings = quick-settings
$eww-which-key = which-key
$eww-playground = playground
$eww-indicators = indicators
$gaps_inner = 20
$gaps_outer = 40
$borders = 15
$borders_special = 10
$corners = 15
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Monitors/
- mirror , DP-1
- bitdepth , 10
- vrr , 2
0 off 1 on 2 fullscreen - transform , 3
# name , resolution , position , scale , extras
monitor=DP-1 , highrr , 0x0 , auto
monitor=DP-3 , 1920x1080@144 , 760x-1080 , auto
# monitor=DP-3 , disable
monitor= , preferred , auto , auto
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/ for more
exec-once = paplay "$HOME/public/audio/windows95-startup.wav"
exec-once = uwsm app -- $HOME/.local/bin/set-wallpaper.sh
exec-once = uwsm app -S both -- eww open-many main-bar second-bar $eww-indicators $eww-playground
exec-once = dunst
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more
general {
gaps_in = $gaps_inner # gaps between windows
gaps_out = $gaps_outer # gaps between windows and monitor edges
gaps_workspaces = 20 # for animation transitions
border_size = $borders
col.active_border = rgba($base0Baa) rgba($base0Eaa) rgba($base0Caa) rgba($base0Aaa) 45deg
col.inactive_border = rgba($base03aa) rgba($base0199) 90deg
# ungroupable window borders
col.nogroup_border_active = rgba($base08aa) rgba($base00aa) rgba($base09aa) 45deg
col.nogroup_border = rgba($base0833) rgba($base0033) rgba($base0933) 45deg
# focus
no_focus_fallback = true # will not fall back to the next available window when moving focus in a direction where no window was found
resize_on_border = true # enables resizing windows by clicking and dragging on borders and gaps
layout = dwindle
group {
auto_group = true
insert_after_current = true
focus_removed_window = true
drag_into_group = 1 # 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled), 2 (only when dragging into the groupbar)
merge_groups_on_drag = false
merge_groups_on_groupbar = true
merge_floated_into_tiled_on_groupbar = false
group_on_movetoworkspace = false
# group borders
col.border_active = rgba($base0Baa) rgba($base0Daa) rgba($base0Caa) 45deg
col.border_inactive = rgba($base0B33) rgba($base0D33) rgba($base0C33) 45deg
col.border_locked_active = rgba($base09aa) rgba($base0Aaa) rgba($base0Faa)
col.border_locked_inactive = rgba($base0933) rgba($base0A33) rgba($base0F33)
groupbar {
enabled = true
stacked = false
render_titles = true
scrolling = true
# styling
height = 26
font_size = 14
text_color = rgb($base07)
gradients = true
col.active = rgba($base0Baa)
col.inactive = rgba($base0377)
col.locked_active = rgba($base09aa)
col.locked_inactive = rgba($base0377)
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Window-Rules/ for more
windowrulev2 = bordercolor rgba($base09aa) rgba($base08aa) rgba($base0Aaa) 45deg rgba($base0944) rgba($base0844) rgba($base0A44) 45deg,xwayland:1
windowrulev2 = noborder,pinned:1
windowrulev2 = nodim,pinned:1
windowrulev2 = opacity override 0.7,pinned:1
windowrulev2 = norounding 1,fullscreenstate:1 * # maximized windows
windowrulev2 = dimaround 1,fullscreenstate:1 * # maximized windows
windowrulev2 = rounding 0,fullscreenstate:* 2 # fake fullscreen windows
windowrulev2 = idleinhibit focus,class:steam_app.*
windowrulev2 = idleinhibit focus,class:vimiv
windowrulev2 = idleinhibit focus,class:.*x86_64
windowrulev2 = idleinhibit always,title:cava
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,firefox
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,Tor Browser
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,Chromium
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,Google-chrome
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,Brave-browser
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,vivaldi-stable
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser
# windowrule = workspace 1 silent,nyxt
windowrule = workspace 2 silent,thunderbird
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,[Ee]macs
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,Geany
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,Atom
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,Subl3
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,code-oss
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,Oomox
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,Unity
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,UnityHub
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,jetbrains-studio
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,dolphin
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,ark
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,File-roller
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,googledocs
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,keep
windowrule = workspace 4 silent,calendar
# windowrule = workspace 5 silent,whatsapp-for-linux
# windowrule = workspace 5 silent,Slack
# windowrule = workspace 5 silent,discord
# windowrule = workspace 5 silent,signal
# windowrulev2 = workspace 5 silent,class:[Ss]team,title:Friends List.*
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,[Gg]imp
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,Inkscape
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,Flowblade
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,org.kde.digikam
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,obs
windowrule = workspace 6 silent,kdenlive
windowrule = workspace 7 silent,Spotify
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,[Bb]attle.net
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,[Ww]ine
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,dolphin-emu
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,Citra
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,SuperTuxKart
# $app_filter = sp-term
# $workspace = sp-term
# #---------------------------------------------------
# windowrule = unset,$app_filter
# windowrule = workspace special:$workspace silent,$app_filter
# windowrule = float,$app_filter
# windowrule = size 50% 80%,$app_filter
# windowrule = center,$app_filter
# $scratchpad = sp-files
# #---------------------------------------------------
# windowrule = unset,$scratchpad
# # windowrule = workspace special silent,$scratchpad
# windowrule = float,$scratchpad
# windowrule = size 50% 70%,$scratchpad
# windowrule = center,$scratchpad
$scratchpad = com.transmissionbt.transmission*
windowrule = unset,$scratchpad
# windowrule = workspace special silent,$scratchpad
windowrule = size 30% 80%,$scratchpad
windowrule = float,$scratchpad
windowrule = center,$scratchpad
$scratchpad = anki
windowrule = unset,$scratchpad
windowrule = float,$scratchpad
windowrule = size 20% 70%,$scratchpad
windowrule = center,$scratchpad
windowrule = dimaround,$scratchpad
$scratchpad = virt-manager
windowrule = unset,$scratchpad
windowrule = workspace special:vm silent,$scratchpad
$scratchpad = sp-htop
# windowrule = float,$scratchpad
# windowrule = size 80% 80%,$scratchpad
# windowrule = center,$scratchpad
windowrule = stayfocused,$scratchpad
windowrule = dimaround,$scratchpad
$scratchpad = org.gnome.Calculator
windowrule = unset,$scratchpad
# windowrule = workspace special silent,$scratchpad
windowrule = float,$scratchpad
windowrule = size 15% 50%,$scratchpad
windowrule = move 82% 5%,$scratchpad
$app_filter = mpv
# floating
windowrulev2 = dimaround,class:$app_filter,floating:1
windowrulev2 = keepaspectratio,class:$app_filter,floating:1
windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:$app_filter,floating:1
windowrulev2 = center,class:$app_filter,floating:1
# tiled
windowrulev2 = pseudo,class:$app_filter,floating:0
# initial state
windowrule = float,$app_filter
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,[Ss]team
# steam updater floating window
windowrulev2 = workspace 8 silent,title:Steam,floating:1
windowrulev2 = nofocus,title:Steam,floating:1
# fix workspace switches for games
windowrulev2 = tag +game,class:steam_app
windowrulev2 = renderunfocused,tag:game
# float dialogs and stuff
windowrulev2 = float,title:SteamTinkerLaunch
$app_filter = [Ss]crcpy
windowrulev2 = tile,class:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = pseudo,class:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = keepaspectratio,class:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = opacity override 0.7,class:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = noborder,class:$app_filter
$app_filter = org.kde.okular
# floating
windowrulev2 = keepaspectratio,class:$app_filter,floating:1
windowrulev2 = stayfocused,class:$app_filter,floating:1
windowrulev2 = center,class:$app_filter,floating:1
# initial state
windowrule = float,$app_filter
$app_filter = thunderbird,title:.*Filters.*
# float dialogs and stuff
windowrulev2 = float,$app_filter
windowrulev2 = size: 100 70%,$app_filter
windowrulev2 = move: 30% 15%,$app_filter
$app_filter = \*Org Src .* Doom Emacs # org-edit-special window
windowrulev2 = float,title:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = center,title:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = size 60% 80%,title:$app_filter
windowrulev2 = dimaround,title:$app_filter
windowrule = workspace 8 silent,net.lutris.Lutris
$app_filter = net.lutris.Lutris
$app_filter = class:mini-visualizer
windowrulev2 = noinitialfocus , $app_filter
windowrulev2 = float , $app_filter
windowrulev2 = move $gaps_outer 100%-w-$gaps_outer , $app_filter
windowrulev2 = size 17% 300 , $app_filter
windowrulev2 = pin , $app_filter
# $app_filter = Virt-manager
# windowrulev2 = float,title:$app_filter
Workspaces e.g. workspace = name:star , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 1 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1 , default:true
workspace = 2 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 3 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 4 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 5 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 6 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 7 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 8 , persistent:true , monitor:DP-1
workspace = 9 , persistent:false , monitor:DP-3 , default:true , on-created-empty: $mySysLog , bordersize:2 , gapsin:0 , gapsout:0 , rounding:0
Special Workspaces
workspace = special:anki , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:audio , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:btop , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:calculator , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:chats , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:email , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:files , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:htop , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:music , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:phone , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:20
workspace = special:term , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:torrent , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
workspace = special:vm , bordersize:$borders_special , gapsin:50 , gapsout:125
Native Scratchpad
- compare with toggle script
# workspace = special:foo, on-created-empty:alacritty -e ncmpcpp
# bind = SUPER CTRL , d , togglespecialworkspace , foo
Layer | Role |
3 | overlay |
2 | top |
1 | bottom |
0 | background |
status bars
layerrule = blur, waybar
# default windows
$namespace = gtk-layer-shell
layerrule = blur, $namespace
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, $namespace
layerrule = animation slide, $namespace
# monitor
layerrule = blur, $eww-monitor
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, $eww-monitor
layerrule = animation slide, $eww-monitor
# quick-settings
layerrule = blur, $eww-quick-settings
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, $eww-quick-settings
layerrule = animation slide, $eww-quick-settings
# which-key
layerrule = blur, $eww-which-key
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, $eww-which-key
layerrule = animation slide, $eww-which-key
layerrule = blur, wofi
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, wofi
layerrule = blur, notifications
layerrule = ignorealpha 0, notifications
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more
decoration {
rounding = $corners
# window opacity
active_opacity = 1.0
inactive_opacity = 1.0
fullscreen_opacity = 1.0
# window dimming
dim_inactive = false
dim_strength = 0.25
dim_special = 0.2
dim_around = 0.4
blur {
enabled = true
size = 10
passes = 3
ignore_opacity = true
new_optimizations = true
xray = false
noise = 0.03
special = false
popups = true
popups_ignorealpha = 0.2
shadow {
enabled = true
range = 20 # Shadow range (“size”) in layout px
render_power = 3 # in what power to render the falloff (more power, the faster the falloff) [1 - 4]
sharp = false
ignore_window = true # if true, the shadow will not be rendered behind the window itself, only around it.
color = rgba($base00ee) # shadow’s color. Alpha dictates shadow’s opacity.
color_inactive = rgba($base00cc) # inactive shadow color. (if not set, will fall back to col.shadow) color unset
# offset = [0, 0] # shadow’s rendering offset. vec2 [0, 0]
scale = 1.0 # shadow’s scale. [0.0 - 1.0]
For all categories, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/
input {
kb_layout = us,ru,jp
kb_variant =
kb_model =
# kb_options = grp:lalt_lshift_toggle
kb_options =
kb_rules =
# focus
# Specify if and how cursor movement should affect window focus
# 0 - Cursor movement will not change focus.
# 1 - Cursor movement will always change focus to the window under the cursor.
# 2 - Cursor focus will be detached from keyboard focus. Clicking on a window will move keyboard focus to that window.
# 3 - Cursor focus will be completely separate from keyboard focus. Clicking on a window will not change keyboard focus.
follow_mouse = 2
# If disabled, mouse focus won’t switch to the hovered window unless the mouse crosses a window boundary when follow_mouse=1.
mouse_refocus = false
focus_on_close = 0
# 0 - Cursor movement will not change focus.
# 1 - focus will change to the window under the cursor when changing from tiled-to-floating and vice versa.
# 2 - focus will also follow mouse on float-to-float switches.
float_switch_override_focus = 0
repeat_rate = 25 # The repeat rate for held-down keys, in repeats per second.
repeat_delay = 300 # Delay before a held-down key is repeated, in milliseconds.
scroll_factor = 1
natural_scroll = false
touchpad {
natural_scroll = false
sensitivity = 0 # -1.0 - 1.0, 0 means no modification.
misc {
disable_autoreload = false
disable_hyprland_logo = false
middle_click_paste = true
# styling
font_family = Hack Nerd Font
col.splash = rgb($base07)
# focus
mouse_move_focuses_monitor = false
focus_on_activate = false # Whether Hyprland should focus an app that requests to be focused
layers_hog_keyboard_focus = true
# fullscreen
new_window_takes_over_fullscreen = 0
exit_window_retains_fullscreen = false
# animations
animate_manual_resizes = true # will animate manual window resizes/moves bool false
animate_mouse_windowdragging = true # will animate windows being dragged by mouse, note that this can cause weird behavior on some curves
# dpms
mouse_move_enables_dpms = true # If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if the mouse moves.
key_press_enables_dpms = true # If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if a key is pressed.
# window swallowing
enable_swallow = false
# swallow_regex =
# swallow_exception_regex =
close_special_on_empty = true
allow_session_lock_restore = false # will allow you to restart a lockscreen app in case it crashes
vrr = 2 # controls the VRR (Adaptive Sync) of your monitors. 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - fullscreen only
cursor {
inactive_timeout = 15 # after how many seconds of cursor’s inactivity to hide it. Set to 0 for never.
no_warps = true # will not warp the cursor in many cases (focusing, keybinds, etc)
enable_hyprcursor = true
binds {
workspace_back_and_forth = true # an attempt to switch to the currently focused workspace will instead switch to the previous workspace
allow_workspace_cycles = true # If enabled, workspaces don’t forget their previous workspace, so cycles can be created by switching to the first workspace in a sequence, then endlessly going to the previous workspace.
# sets the preferred focus finding method when using focuswindow/movewindow/etc with a direction.
# 0 - history (recent have priority)
# 1 - length (longer shared edges have priority)
focus_preferred_method = 0
movefocus_cycles_fullscreen = false # If enabled, when on a fullscreen window, movefocus will cycle fullscreen, if not, it will move the focus in a direction.
Some default animations, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Animations/ for more
animations {
enabled = true
first_launch_animation = true
bezier = myBezier, 0.05, 0.9, 0.1, 1.05
bezier = easeInSine, 0.12, 0, 0.39, 0
bezier = easeInQuad, 0.11, 0, 0.5, 0
bezier = easeInCubic, 0.32, 0, 0.67, 0
bezier = easeInQuart, 0.5, 0, 0.75, 0
bezier = easeInQuint, 0.64, 0, 0.78, 0
bezier = easeInExpo, 0.7, 0, 0.84, 0
bezier = easeInCirc, 0.55, 0, 1, 0.45
bezier = easeInBack, 0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56
bezier = easeOutSine, 0.61, 1, 0.88, 1
bezier = easeOutQuad, 0.5, 1, 0.89, 1
bezier = easeOutCubic, 0.33, 1, 0.68, 1
bezier = easeOutQuart, 0.25, 1, 0.5, 1
bezier = easeOutQuint, 0.22, 1, 0.36, 1
bezier = easeOutExpo, 0.16, 1, 0.3, 1
bezier = easeOutCirc, 0, 0.55, 0.45, 1
bezier = easeOutBack, 0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1
bezier = easeInOutSine, 0.37, 0, 0.63, 1
bezier = easeInOutQuad, 0.45, 0, 0.55, 1
bezier = easeInOutCubic, 0.65, 0, 0.35, 1
bezier = easeInOutQuart, 0.76, 0, 0.24, 1
bezier = easeInOutQuint, 0.83, 0, 0.17, 1
bezier = easeInOutExpo, 0.87, 0, 0.13, 1
bezier = easeInOutCirc, 0.85, 0, 0.15, 1
bezier = easeInOutBack, 0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6
animation = windows , 1 , 7 , myBezier
animation = windowsOut , 1 , 7 , myBezier , popin 80%
animation = layers , 1 , 7 , myBezier , popin 80%
animation = workspaces , 1 , 7 , myBezier , fade
animation = specialWorkspace , 1 , 7 , myBezier , slidefadevert -10%
animation = border , 1 , 10 , myBezier
animation = fade , 1 , 7 , myBezier
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Dwindle-Layout/ for more
dwindle {
pseudotile = true # master switch for pseudotiling. Pseudotiled windows retain their floating size when tiled.
force_split = 2 # 0 - mouse; 1 - left; 2 - right
preserve_split = true # if enabled, the split (side/top) will not change regardless of what happens to the container.
default_split_ratio = 1.00
See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Master-Layout/ for more
master {
new_status = slave
gestures {
# See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Variables/ for more
workspace_swipe = false
Example per-device config See https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Keywords/#executing for more
# device:logitech-mx-master-3-1 {
# sensitivity = 0
# }
Example binds, see https://wiki.hyprland.org/Configuring/Binds/ for more
bindd = SUPER CTRL , d , debug , exec , $myVisualizer
bindd = SUPER CTRL , q , quit hyprland , exec , uwsm stop
bindd = SUPER CTRL , r , restart hyprland , forcerendererreload ,
bindd = SHIFT , ALT_L , switch language , exec , $myScript/toggle-lang.sh
make it close all special workspaces. custom script needed
bindd = SUPER , escape , !!! super escape !!! , exec , echo !!! SUPER ESCAPE !!!
bindd = SUPER , q , close focused window , killactive ,
bindd = SUPER ALT , q , click window to close , exec , hyprctl kill
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , F11 , toggle fake fullscreen , fullscreenState , -1 2
bindd = SUPER , F11 , toggle fullscreen , fullscreen , 0
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , f , toggle fullscreen , fullscreen , 0
bindd = SUPER , m , toggle maximize , fullscreen , 1
bindd = SUPER , f , toggle floating , togglefloating ,
bind = SUPER , f , centerwindow ,
bindd = SUPER CTRL , f , toggle pinnned , pin ,
bindd = SUPER , up , toggle pinnned , pin ,
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , p , toggle pseudo , pseudo ,
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , m , mirror layout , togglesplit ,
bindd = SUPER , h , focus left window , movefocus , l
bindd = SUPER , j , focus below window , movefocus , d
bindd = SUPER , k , focus above window , movefocus , u
bindd = SUPER , l , focus right window , movefocus , r
bindd = ALT , tab , focus next window , changegroupactive , f
bindd = ALT SHIFT , tab , focus prev window , changegroupactive , b
bindd = SUPER , left , focus prev window , changegroupactive , b
bindd = SUPER , down , move window down in stack , movegroupwindow , f
bindd = SUPER , up , move window up in stack , movegroupwindow , b
bindd = SUPER , right , focus next window , changegroupactive , f
Resizing windows
bindd = SUPER , equal , reset fucused window size , splitratio , exact 1
bindde = SUPER CTRL , h , grow focused window left , resizeactive , -20 0
bindde = SUPER CTRL , j , grow focused window down , resizeactive , 0 20
bindde = SUPER CTRL , k , grow focused window up , resizeactive , 0 -20
bindde = SUPER CTRL , l , grow focused window right , resizeactive , 20 0
Swapping tiled windows
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , h , swap focused window with left window , swapwindow , l
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , j , swap focused window with below window , swapwindow , d
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , k , swap focused window with above window , swapwindow , u
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , l , swap focused window with right window , swapwindow , r
Move floating windows
binde = SUPER CTRL , c , centerwindow
binded = SUPER , equal , center floating window , centerwindow ,
binded = SUPER SHIFT , h , move floating window left , moveactive , -20 0
binded = SUPER SHIFT , j , move floating window down , moveactive , 0 20
binded = SUPER SHIFT , k , move floating window up , moveactive , 0 -20
binded = SUPER SHIFT , l , move floating window right , moveactive , 20 0
Special Moving windows
bindd = SUPER ALT , h , move focused window left , movewindoworgroup , l
bindd = SUPER ALT , j , move focused window below , movewindoworgroup , d
bindd = SUPER ALT , k , move focused window above , movewindoworgroup , u
bindd = SUPER ALT , l , move focused window right , movewindoworgroup , r
bindd = SUPER , F1 , move focus to monitor 1 , focusmonitor , 0
bindd = SUPER , F2 , move focus to monitor 2 , focusmonitor , 1
bindd = SUPER , F3 , move focus to monitor 3 , focusmonitor , 2
bindd = SUPER , comma , move focus to below monitor , focusmonitor , d
bindd = SUPER , period , move focus to above monitor , focusmonitor , u
Moving Windows
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , comma , move window to below monitor , movewindow , mon:d
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , period , move window to above monitor , movewindow , mon:u
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , F1 , move window to monitor 1 , movewindow , mon:0
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , F2 , move window to monitor 2 , movewindow , mon:1
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , F3 , move window to monitor 3 , movewindow , mon:2
bindd = SUPER , tab , toggle last workspace , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , previous
bindd = SUPER , 1 , switch to workspace 1 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 1
bindd = SUPER , 2 , switch to workspace 2 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 2
bindd = SUPER , 3 , switch to workspace 3 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 3
bindd = SUPER , 4 , switch to workspace 4 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 4
bindd = SUPER , 5 , switch to workspace 5 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 5
bindd = SUPER , 6 , switch to workspace 6 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 6
bindd = SUPER , 7 , switch to workspace 7 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 7
bindd = SUPER , 8 , switch to workspace 8 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 8
bindd = SUPER , 9 , switch to workspace 9 , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , 9
bindd = SUPER , 0 , switch to workspace star , focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor , name:star
Moving Windows
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 1 , move window to workspace 1 , movetoworkspacesilent , 1
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 2 , move window to workspace 2 , movetoworkspacesilent , 2
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 3 , move window to workspace 3 , movetoworkspacesilent , 3
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 4 , move window to workspace 4 , movetoworkspacesilent , 4
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 5 , move window to workspace 5 , movetoworkspacesilent , 5
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 6 , move window to workspace 6 , movetoworkspacesilent , 6
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 7 , move window to workspace 7 , movetoworkspacesilent , 7
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 8 , move window to workspace 8 , movetoworkspacesilent , 8
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 9 , move window to workspace 9 , movetoworkspacesilent , 9
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , 0 , move window to workspace star , movetoworkspacesilent , name:star
Moving Windows with switching Workspace
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 1 , move window to workspace 1 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 1 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 2 , move window to workspace 2 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 2 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 3 , move window to workspace 3 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 3 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 4 , move window to workspace 4 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 4 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 5 , move window to workspace 5 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 5 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 6 , move window to workspace 6 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 6 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 7 , move window to workspace 7 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 7 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 8 , move window to workspace 8 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 8 current
bindd = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 9 , move window to workspace 9 with switch , moveworkspacetomonitor , 9 current
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 1 , movetoworkspace , 1
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 2 , movetoworkspace , 2
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 3 , movetoworkspace , 3
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 4 , movetoworkspace , 4
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 5 , movetoworkspace , 5
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 6 , movetoworkspace , 6
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 7 , movetoworkspace , 7
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 8 , movetoworkspace , 8
bind = SUPER SHIFT CTRL , 9 , movetoworkspace , 9
bindd = SUPER ALT , grave , toggle special workspace term , togglespecialworkspace , term
bindd = SUPER ALT , 1 , toggle special workspace 1 , togglespecialworkspace , 1
bindd = SUPER ALT , 2 , toggle special workspace 2 , togglespecialworkspace , 2
bindd = SUPER ALT , 3 , toggle special workspace 3 , togglespecialworkspace , 3
bindd = SUPER ALT , 4 , toggle special workspace 4 , togglespecialworkspace , 4
bindd = SUPER ALT , 5 , toggle special workspace 5 , togglespecialworkspace , 5
bindd = SUPER ALT , m , toggle special workspace music , togglespecialworkspace , music
bindd = SUPER ALT , a , toggle special workspace audio , togglespecialworkspace , audio
bindd = SUPER ALT , c , toggle special workspace chats , togglespecialworkspace , chats
bindd = SUPER ALT , v , toggle special workspace vm , togglespecialworkspace , vm
Moving Windows
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , grave , move window to special workspace term , movetoworkspacesilent , term
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , 1 , move window to special workspace 1 , movetoworkspacesilent , special:1
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , 2 , move window to special workspace 2 , movetoworkspacesilent , special:2
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , 3 , move window to special workspace 3 , movetoworkspacesilent , special:3
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , 4 , move window to special workspace 4 , movetoworkspacesilent , special:4
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , 5 , move window to special workspace 5 , movetoworkspacesilent , special:5
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , m , move window to special workspace music , movetoworkspacesilent , special:music
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , a , move window to special workspace audio , movetoworkspacesilent , special:audio
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , c , move window to special workspace chats , movetoworkspacesilent , special:chats
bindd = SUPER ALT SHIFT , v , move window to special workspace vm , movetoworkspacesilent , special:vm
bindd = SUPER , grave , toggle terminal , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "term" "sp-term" "alacritty --class sp-term"
bindd = SUPER , e , toggle file manager , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "files" "sp-files" "alacritty --class sp-files -e vifm"
bindd = SUPER , return , launch terminal , exec , $myTerm
bindd = SUPER CTRL , return , launch launcher , exec , $myLauncher
bindd = SUPER , r , launch launcher , exec , $myLauncher
bindd = SUPER , c , launch ide , exec , $myIde
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , e , launch file manager , exec , $myCliFiles
bindd = SUPER , b , launch web browser , exec , $myWebBrowser
bindd = SUPER , i , launch web browser in incognito mode , exec , $myIncBrowser
bind = CTRL ALT , delete , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "htop" "sp-htop" "alacritty --class sp-htop -e htop"
bind = CTRL ALT , end , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "btop" "sp-btop" "alacritty --class sp-btop -e btop"
bind = CTRL ALT , t , exec , $myTerm
bind = CTRL ALT , a , togglespecialworkspace , audio
bind = CTRL ALT , a , exec , [workspace special:audio] pavucontrol
bind = CTRL ALT , a , exec , [workspace special:audio] qpwgraph
# bind = CTRL ALT , v , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "volume" "pavucontrol" "pavucontrol"
# bind = CTRL ALT , v , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "volume" "pavucontrol" "pavucontrol & qpwgraph"
System audio
bindld = , XF86AudioRaiseVolume , increase system volume , exec , $myScript/set-volume.sh + 5
bindld = , XF86AudioLowerVolume , decrease system volume , exec , $myScript/set-volume.sh - 5
bindld = , XF86AudioMute , toggle mute , exec , $myScript/toggle-mute.sh
Player audio
binddl = , XF86AudioPlay , player play/pause , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh toggle
binddl = , XF86AudioStop , player stop , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh stop
binddl = , XF86AudioPrev , player prev , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh prev
binddl = , XF86AudioNext , player next , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh next
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioPlay , music [s] single mode , exec , $myScript/musictl.sh single
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioStop , music [z] shuffle mode , exec , $myScript/musictl.sh random
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioPrev , replay track from the beginning , exec , $myScript/musictl.sh replay
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioNext , skip track and remove from queue , exec , $myScript/musictl.sh skip
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioRaiseVolume , player increase volume , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh vol-up
binddl = CTRL , XF86AudioLowerVolume , player decrease volume , exec , $myScript/playerctl.sh vol-down
bindd = , print , fullscreen screenshot , exec , $myScript/screenshot.sh monitor
bindd = SUPER SHIFT , print , selection area screenshot , exec , $myScript/screenshot.sh area
bindd = ALT , print , active window screenshot , exec , $myScript/screenshot.sh window
bindd = SUPER , print , full desktop screenshot , exec , $myScript/screenshot.sh desktop
bind = SUPER , backslash , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-\\\-" dm-notify
bind = SUPER , backslash , submap , dm-notify
submap = dm-notify
bindd = , backspace , clear last notification , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify close
bindd = SUPER , backslash , show last notification , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify recent
bindd = , backslash , show last notification , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify recent
bindd = SHIFT , BACKSLASH , show recent notifications , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify recents
bindd = , a , open last notification , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify context
bindd = , c , clear last notification , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify close
bindd = SHIFT , C , clear all notifications , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify clear
bindd = , r , show recent notifications , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify recents
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , a , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , d , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-d-" dm-global
bind = SUPER , d , submap , dm-global
submap = dm-global
bindd = , backslash , dm-notify , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify
bindd = , b , dm-bookman , exec , $myDMScript/dm-bookman
bindd = SUPER , d , dm-master , exec , $myDMScript/dm-master
bindd = , k , dm-keys , exec , $myDMScript/dm-keys
bindd = , n , dm-notify , exec , $myDMScript/dm-notify
bindd = , p , dm-player , exec , $myDMScript/dm-player
bindd = , r , dm-record , exec , $myDMScript/dm-record
bindd = , s , dm-screenshot , exec , $myDMScript/dm-screenshot
bindd = , t , dm-theme , exec , $myDMScript/dm-theme
bindd = , w , dm-wallpaper , exec , $myDMScript/dm-wallpaper
bindd = , z , dm-power , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backslash , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , b , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SUPER , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , k , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , n , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , r , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , t , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , w , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , z , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , o , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-o-" open
bind = SUPER , o , submap , open
submap = open
bindd = , c , color picker , exec , $myColorPicker
bindd = , d , toggle chats , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "chats" $myDiscordClass $myDiscord
bindd = , e , email client , exec , $myEmail
bind = , g , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-o g-" games
bindd = , g , +games , submap , games
bindd = , i , image viewer , exec , vimiv $XDG_PICTURES_DIR
bindd = , m , music player , exec , $myCliMusic
bindd = SHIFT , M , music player on default workspace , exec , [workspace 9 silent] $myCliMusic
bindd = , t , tor browser , exec , $myTorBrowser
bindd = , w , toggle whatsapp , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "chats" "whatsapp-for-linux" "whatsapp-for-linux"
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , e , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , i , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , m , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , M , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , t , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , v , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , w , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = games
bindd = , d , gzdoom , exec , $myGZDoom
bindd = , f , fheroes homm , exec , $myFHeroes2
bindd = , g , gamehub , exec , $myGameHub
bindd = , h , heroic , exec , $myHeroic
bindd = , l , lutris , exec , $myLutris
bindd = , n , Nexus Mods App , exec , $myNexus
bindd = , s , steam , exec , $mySteam
bindd = , v , vcmi homm launcher , exec , $myVCMI
bindd = , x , Nexus Mods App , exec , $myNexus
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-o-" open
bind = , backspace , submap , open
bind = , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , f , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , g , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , h , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , l , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , n , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , v , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , x , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , p , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-p-" pass
bind = SUPER , p , submap , pass
submap = pass
bindd = , c , copy field , exec , wofi-pass --squash
bindd = , p , fill field , exec , wofi-pass --squash --type
bindd = , a , autofill password , exec , wofi-pass --squash --type --autotype
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , a , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , s , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-s-" scratchpad
bind = SUPER , s , submap , scratchpad
submap = scratchpad
# , , , , workspace class command
bindd = , a , anki , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "anki" "anki" "anki"
bindd = , c , calculator , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "calculator" "org.gnome.Calculator" "gnome-calculator"
bindd = , d , discord , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "chats" $myDiscordClass $myDiscord
bindd = , e , email client , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "email" $myEmailClass $myEmail
bindd = , m , music player , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "music" "sp-music" "alacritty --class sp-music -e ncmpcpp"
bindd = , p , phone , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "phone" "scrcpy" "scrcpy"
bindd = , t , torrent , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "torrent" "com.transmissionbt.transmission" "transmission-gtk"
bindd = , v , vm , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "vm" "virt-manager" "virt-manager"
bindd = , w , whatsapp , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-special-workspace.sh "chats" "whatsapp-for-linux" "whatsapp-for-linux"
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , a , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , e , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , m , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , t , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , v , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , w , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , t , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-t-" toggle
bind = SUPER , t , submap , toggle
bind = SUPER , z , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "M-z-" dm-power
bind = SUPER , z , submap , dm-power
submap = dm-power
bindd = , c , disconnect all controllers , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power controller
bindd = , l , lock screen , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power lock
bindd = SHIFT , L , logout , exec , loginctl terminate-session "$XDG_SESSION_ID"
bindd = , p , shutdown system , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power poweroff
bindd = , r , reboot system , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power reboot
bindd = , s , suspend system , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power suspend
bindd = , z , suspend system , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power suspend
bindd = SUPER , z , suspend system , exec , $myDMScript/dm-power suspend
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , l , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , L , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , r , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , z , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SUPER , z , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = CTRL ALT , o , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "C-A-o-" open-secondary
bind = CTRL ALT , o , submap , open-secondary
submap = open-secondary
bindd = , e , gui file manager , exec , $myFiles
bindd = , g , image editor , exec , $myImgEditor
bindd = , p , photo library , exec , $myPhotoLibrary
bindd = , r , vector image editor , exec , $myVctEditor
bindd = , v , video editor , exec , $myVidEditor
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , e , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , g , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , r , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , v , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
bind = SUPER , space , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = SUPER , space , submap , leader
submap = leader
bind = , e , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC e-" eww
bindd = , e , +Elkowars Wacky Widgets , submap , eww
bind = , l , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC l-" layout
bindd = , l , +layout , submap , layout
bind = , t , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC t-" toggle
bindd = , t , +toggle , submap , toggle
bind = , w , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w-" window
bindd = , w , +window , submap , window
bind = SHIFT , W , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC W-" workspace
bindd = SHIFT , W , +workspace , submap , workspace
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = eww
bindd = , d , toggle debug panel , exec , eww set debug=true
bindd = , p , open playground , exec , eww open --toggle playground
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = , backspace , submap , leader
bindr = , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bindr = , p , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = layout
bindd = , d , dwindle , exec , $myHyprScript/layoutctl.sh set dwindle
bindd = , l , switch layout , exec , $myHyprScript/layoutctl.sh toggle
bindd = , m , master , exec , $myHyprScript/layoutctl.sh set master
bind = , g , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC l g-" gaps
bindd = , g , +gaps , submap , gaps
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = , backspace , submap , leader
submap = reset
submap = gaps
bindd = , g , toggle , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner toggle
bindd = , 0 , reset , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner reset
bindde = , minus , shrink , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner shrink 1
bindde = , equal , grow , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner grow 1
bindd = SHIFT , 0 , disable , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner disable
bindde = SHIFT , minus , shrink more , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner shrink 5
bindde = SHIFT , equal , grow more , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $borders grow 5
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC l-" layout
bind = , backspace , submap , layout
submap = reset
submap = toggle
bindd = , b , window borders , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders toggle
bindd = , c , rounded corners , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-corners.sh $corners
bindd = , d , window dimming , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-dimming.sh 1
bindd = , g , window gaps , exec , $myHyprScript/gapctl.sh $gaps_inner toggle
bind = , p , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC t p-" panels
bindd = , p , +panels , submap , panels
bind = , q , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC t q-" quick-settings
bindd = , q , +quick-settings , submap , quick-settings
bindd = , s , status bar , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-status-bar.sh
bindd = , z , zen mode , exec , $myHyprScript/toggle-zen.sh $borders $corners $gaps_inner
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = , backspace , submap , leader
bind = , b , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , c , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , d , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , g , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , z , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = panels
bindd = , m , monitor panel , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m $($myScript/get-current-monitor.sh id) $eww-monitor
bindd = SHIFT , M , monitor panel on secondary monitor , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m 1 $eww-monitor
bindd = , p , playground panel , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m $($myScript/get-current-monitor.sh id) $eww-playground
bindd = SHIFT , P , playground panel on secondary monitor , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m 1 $eww-playground
bindd = , q , quick-settings panel , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m $($myScript/get-current-monitor.sh id) $eww-quick-settings
bindd = SHIFT , Q , quick-settings panel on secondary monitor , exec , $myEwwScript/toggle-window.sh -m 1 $eww-quick-settings
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC t-" toggle
bind = , backspace , submap , toggle
bind = , m , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , M , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , q , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , Q , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = quick-settings
bindd = , b , bluetooth , exec , systemd-run --user -u btctl-toggle.service -- $myScript/btctl.sh toggle
bindd = , e , ethernet , exec , $myScript/netctl.sh toggle ethernet
bindd = , h , bluetooth headphones , exec , systemd-run --user -u btctl-headphones.service -- $myScript/toggle-headphones.sh
bindd = , s , bluetooth speakers , exec , systemd-run --user -u btctl-speakers.service -- $myScript/toggle-speakers.sh
bindd = , v , vpn , exec , $myScript/vpnctl.sh toggle
bindd = , w , wi-fi , exec , $myScript/netctl.sh toggle wifi
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC t-" toggle
bind = , backspace , submap , toggle
bind = , b , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , e , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , h , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , v , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , w , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = window
bind = , b , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w b-" borders
bindd = , b , +borders , submap , borders
bind = , s , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w s-" stack
bindd = , s , +stack , submap , stack
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = , backspace , submap , leader
submap = reset
submap = borders
bindd = , b , toggle , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders toggle
bindd = , 0 , reset , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders reset
bindde = , minus , shrink , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders shrink 1
bindde = , equal , grow , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders grow 1
bindd = SHIFT , 0 , disable , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders disable
bindde = SHIFT , minus , shrink more , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders shrink 5
bindde = SHIFT , equal , grow more , exec , $myHyprScript/borderctl.sh $borders grow 5
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w-" window
bind = , backspace , submap , window
submap = reset
submap = stack
bindd = , tab , next window , changegroupactive
bindd = , l , toggle lock on stack , lockactivegroup , toggle
bindd = SHIFT , L , toggle lock on all stacks , lockgroups , toggle
bindd = , s , toggle window stacking , togglegroup
bindd = , x , restict window from stacking , denywindowfromgroup , toggle
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w-" window
bind = , backspace , submap , window
bind = , l , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = SHIFT , L , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , s , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , x , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
submap = reset
submap = workspace
bind = , b , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC w b-" borders
bindd = , b , +borders , submap , borders
bindr = , catchall , exec , $myHyprScript/reset-submap.sh
bind = , backspace , exec , $myEwwScript/which-key.sh -p "SPC-" leader
bind = , backspace , submap , leader
submap = reset
# Scroll through existing workspaces with mainMod + scroll
# bind = SUPER , mouse_down , workspace , e+1
# bind = SUPER , mouse_up , workspace , e-1
# Move/resize windows with mainMod + LMB/RMB and dragging
bindm = SUPER , mouse:272 , movewindow
bindm = SUPER , mouse:273 , resizewindow
# bindm = , mouse:133 , movewindow
experimental {
wide_color_gamut = false
hdr = false
xx_color_management_v4 = true
debug {
overlay = false # print the debug performance overlay. Disable VFR for accurate results. bool false
# damage_blink = false # (epilepsy warning!) flash areas updated with damage tracking bool false
disable_logs = true # disable logging to a file bool true
# disable_time = true # disables time logging bool true
# damage_tracking = 2 # redraw only the needed bits of the display. Do not change. (default: full - 2) monitor - 1, none - 0 int 2
# enable_stdout_logs = false # enables logging to stdout bool false
manual_crash = 0 # set to 1 and then back to 0 to crash Hyprland. int 0
# suppress_errors = false # if true, do not display config file parsing errors. bool false
# watchdog_timeout = 5 # sets the timeout in seconds for watchdog to abort processing of a signal of the main thread. Set to 0 to disable. int 5
# disable_scale_checks = false # disables verifying of the scale factors. Will result in pixel alignment and rounding errors. bool false
# error_limit = 5 # limits the number of displayed config file parsing errors. int 5