Grab cam shots from the target's phone front camera or PC webcam just sending a link.
CAMPHISH is a technique to take cam shots of a target's phone front camera or PC webcam. CAMPHISH Hosts a fake website on a PHP server and uses Cloudflare & serveo to generate a link that we will forward to the target, which can be used over the internet. the website asks for camera permission and if the target allows it, this tool grabs cam shots of the target's device.
CamPhish was officially created by TechChip and thelinuxchoice. That tool was made for Linux and termux only. And this tool is just a remake of the original tool. This CAMPHISH is made for windows. I tried to make the UI as similar as possible to the original CamPhish. I just copied the websites and templates of the original tool. And the rest of the code is done by me. Link to the original CamPhish:
In this tool, I added two automatic webpage templates for engaged targets on the webpage to get more pictures of the cam
- Festival Wishing
- Live YouTube TV
- Online Meeting [Beta]
simply enter the festival name or youtube's video ID
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- If it works on Windows 10, then it should also work on Windows 7.
This tool requires PHP for the webserver, SSH for the serveo link, and Cloudflare. First, run the "setup-camphish.bat" file. Then it will automatically install all files. After that, run camphish.bat. If it still shows an error, then your computer doesn't have ssh installed. Install it.