A nextflow workflow created to predict functions involving major biogeochemical cycles (carbon, sulfur, nitrogen) for taxonomic affiliations (that can be created from metabarcoding or metagenomic sequencing). It relies on EsMeCaTa and bigecyhmm.
- Nextflow: to run the workflow.
- esmecata, bigecyhmm and several python packages for visualisation: they can be installed with the following pip command:
pip install esmecata bigecyhmm seaborn pandas plotly kaleido
. - esmecata precomputed database: it can be downloaded from this Zenodo archive. This precomputed database size is 4 Gb.
This workflow can be called by nextflow in two ways:
- by downloading this repository and calling the
file withnextflow run tabigecy.nf ...
. - by calling the GitHub repository in the nextflow command with
nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy ...
. To run the latest version present on GitHub, add the-latest
You can print the help with the following command:
nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy --help
Tabigecy workflow expects three mandatory inputs:
expects a tabulated file containing input taxonomic affiliations for EsMeCaTa, looking like this:
observation_name | taxonomic_affiliation |
Cluster_1 | Bacteria;Spirochaetes;Spirochaetia;Spirochaetales;Spirochaetaceae;Sphaerochaeta;unknown species |
Cluster_2 | Bacteria;Chloroflexi;Anaerolineae;Anaerolineales;Anaerolineaceae;ADurb.Bin120;unknown species |
Cluster_3 | Bacteria;Cloacimonetes;Cloacimonadia;Cloacimonadales;Cloacimonadaceae;Candidatus Cloacimonas;unknown species |
Cluster_4 | Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Rikenellaceae;Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group;unknown species |
Cluster_5 | Bacteria;Cloacimonetes;Cloacimonadia;Cloacimonadales;Cloacimonadaceae;W5;unknown species |
Cluster_6 | Bacteria;Bacteroidetes;Bacteroidia;Bacteroidales;Dysgonomonadaceae;unknown genus;unknown species |
Cluster_7 | Bacteria;Firmicutes;Clostridia;Clostridiales;Clostridiaceae;Clostridium;unknown species |
expects the zip file containing EsMeCaTa precomputed database, available here.--outputFolder
expects a path where the output will be generated.
There are optional arguments:
: expects a tabulated file containing the abundances in different samples for the different rows of the EsMeCaTa input file, looking like this:
observation_name | sample 1 | sample 2 | sample 3 |
Cluster_1 | 50 | 400 | 2300 |
Cluster_2 | 1000 | 56 | 488 |
Cluster_3 | 2000 | 597 | 20 |
Cluster_4 | 0 | 1200 | 600 |
Cluster_5 | 400 | 420 | 380 |
Cluster_6 | 4858 | 2478 | 1878 |
Cluster_7 | 1 | 24 | 75 |
: the number of cores given to bigecyhmm for multiprocessing.
At the end, it will create an output folder containing the output folders of EsMeCaTa, the one of bigecyhmm and the visualisation output folder. To do this on your own file you can specify the input files with the command line:
nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy --infile esmecata_input_file.tsv --inAbundfile abundance.tsv --precomputedDB esmecata_database.zip --outputFolder output_folder --coreBigecyhmm 5
You can test it on a little example with the different files present in the test
folder (which takes few minutes to run):
nextflow run ArnaudBelcour/tabigecy --infile test_taxonomic_affiliations.tsv --inAbundfile test_abundance_file.tsv --precomputedDB esmecata_test_database.zip --outputFolder output_test
Furthermore, you can find two other example (from the article associated with tabigecy) in the Zenodo archive (article_data.zip
), associated with the dataset used in the article of Tabigecy:
- Bordenave et al. dataset:
(EsMeCaTa input file, for argument--infile
) andbordenave_et_al_2013_abundance.csv
(abundance file for argument--inAbundfile
). - Schwab et al. dataset:
(EsMeCaTa input file, for argument--infile
) andschwab_et_al_2022_abundance.tsv
(abundance file for argument--inAbundfile
An output folder (by default called output_folder
) is created. It contains three subfolders:
: the output folder of theesmecata precomputed
command. For more information, look at EsMeCaTa readme.output_2_bigecyhmm
: the output folder ofbigecyhmm
command. For more information, look at bigecyhmm readme.output_3_visualisation
: the output folder for the visualisation of the predictions and (if given) the addition of sample abundances. This folder is also presented bigecyhmm readme.
├── 0_proteomes
├── association_taxon_taxID.json
├── proteome_tax_id.tsv
├── esmecata_metadata_proteomes.json
├── stat_number_proteome.tsv
├── taxonomy_diff.tsv
├── 1_clustering
├── computed_threshold
│ └── Taxon_name_1.tsv
│ └── ...
├── reference_proteins_consensus_fasta
│ └── Taxon_name_1.faa
│ └── ...
├── proteome_tax_id.tsv
├── esmecata_metadata_clustering.json
├── stat_number_clustering.tsv
├── 2_annotation
├── annotation_reference
│ └── Cluster_1.tsv
│ └── ...
├── pathologic
│ └── Cluster_1
│ └── Cluster_1.pf
│ └── ...
│ └── taxon_id.tsv
├── function_table.tsv
├── esmecata_metadata_annotation.json
├── stat_number_annotation.tsv
├── esmecata_metadata_precomputed.json
├── esmecata_precomputed.log
├── organism_not_found_in_database.tsv
├── stat_number_precomputed.tsv
contains for each observation_name
the name of the taxon and the corresponding taxon_id found with ete3
contains the name, the taxon_id and the proteomes associated with each observation_name
is a log about the Uniprot release used and how the queries ware made (REST or SPARQL). It also gets the metadata associated with the command used with esmecata and the dependencies.
is a tabulated file containing the number of proteomes found for each observation name.
is a tabulated file indicating the taxon selected by EsMeCaTa compared to the lowest taxon in the taxonomic affiliations.
The computed_threshold
folder contains the ratio of proteomes represented in a cluster compared to the total number of proteomes associated with a taxon. If the ratio is equal to 1, it means that all the proteomes are represented by a protein in the cluster, 0.5 means that half of the proteoems are represented in the cluster. This score is used when giving the -t
The reference_proteins_consensus_fasta
contains the consensus proteins associated with a taxon name for the cluster kept after clustering process.
The proteome_tax_id.tsv
file is the same than the one created in esmecata proteomes
is a log about the the metadata associated with the command used with esmecata and the dependencies.
is a tabulated file containing the number of shared proteins found for each observation name.
The annotation_reference
contains the prediction of eggnog-mapper for the consensus protein of each observation_name
. To create this file, EsMeCaTa finds the taxon name associated with the observation_name
and extracts the annotation (EC numbers, GO termes, KEGG reaction).
The pathologic
folder contains one sub-folder for each observation_name
in which there is one PathoLogic file. There is also a taxon_id.tsv
file which corresponds to a modified version of proteome_tax_id.tsv
with only the observation_name
and the taxon_id
. This folder can be used as input to mpwt to reconstruct draft metabolic networks using Pathway Tools PathoLogic.
The file function_table.tsv
contains the EC numbers and GO Terms present in each observation name.
The esmecata_metadata_annotation.json
serves the same purpose as the one used in esmecata proteomes
to retrieve metadata about Uniprot release at the time of the query. It also gets the metadata associated with the command used with esmecata and the dependencies.
is a tabulated file containing the number of GO Terms and EC numbers found for each observation name.
├── diagram_figures
├── carbon_cycle.png
├── nitrogen_cycle.png
├── other_cycle.png
├── sulfur_cycle.png
├── diagram_input
└── Taxon_name_1.txt
└── ...
├── hmm_results
└── Taxon_name_1.tsv
└── ...
├── bigecyhmm.log
├── bigecyhmm_metadata.json
├── function_presence.tsv
├── pathway_presence.tsv
├── pathway_presence_hmms.tsv
├── Total.R_input.txt
bigecyhmm output diagram_figures
subfolder: Four png files each showing the percentage of taxon having each functions for carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and other cycles.
bigecyhmm output diagram_input
subfolder: One txt file for each taxon analysed. It shows the presence/absence of the major functions of the biogeochemical cycles.
bigecyhmm output hmm_results
subfolder: One tsv file for each taxon considered. It indicates matches between input protein sequences and HMMs.
: log file.
: bigecyhmm metadata (Python version used, package version used).
: occurrence of the functions in the different input protein files.
: occurrence of the major metabolic pathways in the different inputs files.
: HMMs with matches for the major metabolic pathways in the different inputs files.
: ratio of the occurrence of major metabolic pathways in the all communities.
It contains several figures and their associated input files.
├── function_abundance
│ ├── cycle_diagrams_abundance
│ | └── sample_1_carbon_cycle.png
│ | └── sample_1_nitrogen_cycle.png
│ | └── ...
│ ├── function_participation
│ | └── sample_1.tsv
│ | └── ...
│ ├── cycle_participation
│ | └── sample_1.tsv
│ | └── ...
│ └── cycle_abundance_sample.tsv
│ └── function_abundance_sample.tsv
│ └── heatmap_abundance_samples.png
│ └── polar_plot_abundance_samples.png
├── function_occurrence
│ └── cycle_occurence.tsv
│ └── diagram_carbon_cycle.png
│ └── diagram_nitrogen_cycle.png
│ └── diagram_sulfur_cycle.png
│ └── diagram_other_cycle.png
│ └── function_occurrence.tsv
│ └── heatmap_occurrence.png
│ └── polar_plot_occurrence.png
├── bigecyhmm_visualisation.log
├── bigecyhmm_visualisation_metadata.json
is a folder containing all visualisation associated with abundance values. It contains:
: a folder containing 4 cycle diagrams (carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and other) from METABOLIC per sample from the abundance file. For each sample, it gives the abundance and the relative abundance of the major function.function_participation
: a folder containing one tabulated file per sample from the abundance file. For each sample, it gives the function abundance associated with each organism in the community.cycle_participation
: a folder containing one tabulated file per sample from the abundance file. For each sample, it gives the cycle abundance associated with each organism in the community.function_abundance_sample.tsv
: a tabulated file containing the ratio of abundance of each function in the different sample. Rows correspond to the functions and columns correspond to the samples. It is used to create theheatmap_abundance_samples.png
: a heatmap showing the abundance for all the HMMs searched by bigecyhmm in the different samples.cycle_abundance_sample.tsv
: a tabulated file showing the abundance of major functions in biogeochemical cycles. Rows correspond to the major functions and columns correspond to the samples.polar_plot_abundance_samples.png
: a polar plot showing the abundance of major functions in the samples.
is a folder containing all visualisation associated with occurrence values. It contains:
: a tabulated file showing the occurrence of major functions in biogeochemical cycles. Rows correspond to the major function and the column corresponds to the community.diagram_*.png
: diagram representing a biogeochemical cycles (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, other) from METABOLIC. It shows the number of organisms with predicted major functions and the relative occurrence of these functions.function_occurrence.tsv
: a tabulated file containing the ratio for each function. Rows correspond to the function and the column corresponds to the community. It is used to create theheatmap_occurrence.png
: a heatmap showing the occurrence for all the HMMs searched by bigecyhmm in the community (all the input protein files).polar_plot_occurrence.png
: a polar plot showing the occurrence of major functions in the samples.swarmplot_function_ratio_community.png
: a swarmplot showing the occurrence of major functions in the samples.
is a log file.
is a metadata file giving information on the version of the package used.
For Tabigecy and bigecyhmm:
Arnaud Belcour, Loris Megy, Sylvain Stephant, Caroline Michel, Sétareh Rad, Petra Bombach, Nicole Dopffel, Hidde de Jong and Delphine Ropers. Predicting coarse-grained representations of biogeochemical cycles from metabarcoding data. bioRxiv 2025.01.30.635649; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2025.01.30.635649
For EsMeCaTa:
Arnaud Belcour, Pauline Hamon-Giraud, Alice Mataigne, Baptiste Ruiz, Yann Le Cunff, Jeanne Got, Lorraine Awhangbo, Mégane Lebreton, Clémence Frioux, Simon Dittami, Patrick Dabert, Anne Siegel, Samuel Blanquart. Estimating consensus proteomes and metabolic functions from taxonomic affiliations. bioRxiv 2022.03.16.484574; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.16.484574