This project analyzes the sentiments of reviews for the Crunchyroll app on the Google Play Store 📊. Using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning, we aim to classify reviews as positive, neutral, or negative.
- Understand user sentiment: Learn how to create a sentiment analysis model and implement it in a local Streamlit app.
- Drive business decisions: Listen to user feedback, understand criticism, and improve the app's performance and features.
- Python : for computation and modeling.
- Streamlit : for an interactive web application.
- Scikit-Learn : for logistic regression, random forest, and TF-IDF vectorization.
- NLTK 🧠 for text preprocessing and analysis.
- Sentiment Classification: Automatically classifies reviews as positive, neutral, or negative.
- Real-Time Analysis: Enter any review text and get sentiment analysis instantly.
- Data Visualization: Visualize sentiment distribution of Crunchyroll reviews.
Feel free to explore and contribute! 😊