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Arkonf is a system configuration including:

  • a list of packages to install, managed using Salt;
  • a collection of configuration files for these tools.


As regular user on any POSIX OS

This will only install configuration files for the current user.

git clone
make -C Arkonf install

As root

This is the prefered way to install the full Arkonf (including packages).

Before anything else, the host name must be set properly. All hosts will get the base packages and configuration, but only some hosts will get additional packages, depending on which roles are associated to their names in the pillar.

hostnamectl set-hostname $HOSTNAME

Also, make sure that the name (and the FQDN) is correct in /etc/hosts as it will be used by some packages (such as the MTA).

On any supported distro (with a bootstrap script)

chmod a+x bootstrap

On Arch Linux

pacman -S salt git
git clone /root/Arkonf
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack/salt /srv/salt
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack/pillar /srv/pillar
salt-call --local state.highstate
pacman -Syu

On Debian

wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/salt-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/salt-archive-keyring.gpg arch=amd64] bullseye main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/salt.list
apt update
apt install salt-minion git
systemctl disable --now salt-minion
git clone /root/Arkonf
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack/salt /srv/salt
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack/pillar /srv/pillar
apt update
salt-call --local state.highstate
apt upgrade

Application of individual states

Individual states may rely on custom grains and custom modules, which must be synchronized.

salt-call --local saltutil.sync_all

Afterwards, indidual states can be applied.

salt-call --local state.sls mail

Synchronization of custom grains and custom modules is done automatically when runningstate.highstate, so there's no need to run saltutil.sync_all when applying the highstate.


Arkonf is copyright (C) 2001-2023 Jérémie Roquet [email protected] and all code except code written by third-parties licensed under the ISC license.

See the LICENSE file for more details.
