A lightweight component library that fastens the development of a UI. Presto components are built using raw css.
- Responsive components
- Support for individual components
- Comprehensive documentation
- Consistency in colors, naming, and typography
- Lightweight
- Customizable
- Dark mode Toggle
To install Presto in your project just link the stylesheet inside the head
tag of your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://prestoui.iambatman.dev/css/components/index.css" />
Or import it inside the CSS file:
@import url("https://openui.netlify.app/css/components/index.css");
To install only a particular component use the following code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://prestoui.iambatman.dev/css/components/<component-name>.css" />
Replace <component-name>
with the desired component. List of available components are:
- alert
- avatar
- badge
- button
- card
- image
- input
- snackbar
- rating
- modal
- Grid
- Notification
- JavaScript