Reminder, if you like these repos, fork them so they don't disappear
Big thanks to Mitsurugi_w, Darksoft, and Brizzo of Arcade Projects for finally allowing this to be published.
- written by hostile, with supporting information from the community at large!
Not once since the Montreal Screwjob have WWE / WWF fans had to endure such an atrocity as we just witnessed...
In an unprecidented refusal, Mitsurugi_w & Darksoft have NOT accepted the Eye for an Eye challenge issued by Rey Mysterio on behalf of the Arcade Hustle tag team. Seemingly afraid of the fact that the Arcade Hustle team would have taken "both their eyes", the Darkdawg Arcade team spokesman Mitsu remains silent to this day regarding the proposal to have an Eye for an Eye match.
Mysterio even came out of recovery to make the announcemnt, Darkdawg Arcade team still snubbed his offer!
WWE Ryback did say "Now is the time for ALL wrestling talent to stand together and refuse to perform", but this does not make the refusal any less disrespectful in this case!
Even though Mitsurugi_w, Darksoft, and their ringside manager Brizzo all continue to refuse to perform, we know the show must go on! After the sickening Darkdawg Arcade team refusal to participate in the Eye for an Eye Match, the only thing to make it right will be for an X3 multi to be released.
The Mitsu+Dark Eye for an Eye match had been a long time coming... It is a shame the team has snubbed the match. Just over a year ago the roots of this release were shared in it's sister writeup.
Immediately after the writeup came out, the Darkdawg arcade team began throwing salt as if Mr. Fuji had come out of retirement. Fuji, not at all unlike Brizzo was famous for often throwing salt in the eyes of fan favorite wrestlers!
Not fully understanding the technical relevance of the last release Mitsu began claiming it was "incomplete", as well as "fake". The git repo was deemed to be nothing more than "incomplete info about enabling file sharing access on an old outdated version of windows 7." There was a challenge that "If you read that github page and come out of it with a working multi then let us know". Of course, although it was fake, it was reaffirmed "The info itself is not new or special. It's all over the web anyways".
Ekorz or course can spot a fake from a mile away, and also declared the information appropriately as such: "it’s fake"
Someone accepted the challenge over a year ago, and this fake work casually began, now a year later it has been casually completed.
In the mean time private sales of NXL2 games have increased in private messages & DM's on Arcade Projects, UKVAC, and Facebook.
"PM incoming." - Rewrite
Sales kicked up so quickly that the Taito X3 forum on Arcade Projects needed to be deleted with malice! (dead)
Lets pour out some liquor for it, just like we did the Sega Ringedge, Ringwide and Nu subgroup before it! May they both Rest In Peace!
Profits have increased during the transtion from private sales of USF4, to private sales of SFV and Samurai Showdown as a newer alternative.
"P&D runs on lower spec hardware but can be converted to USF4 by some people."
Both SFV & Samurai Showdown drives debuted for 1000euro earlier this year in May!
Lets cut to the chase... making a multi on X3 is simple. First you are going to need to get into the bios. You may think to try "open says a me!" as the password, instead I suggest "open you" in Norweigan instead.
The key sequence to get into the BIOS has been previosuly been disclosed for other Taito X pedigrees. The same sequence works on X3. Ctrl + Alt + F9
The password was recoverd via a known technique with the help of UEFITool.
Pulled from UEFITool out of nvram: 1493E62654BA224D93E0667438079F9A332E8EC1E95444E89F7BFA0E55A2B0350BC9665CC1EF1C83
XOR key: 5B93B62611BA6C4DC7E022747D07D89A332E8EC1E95444E89F7BFA0E55A2B0350BC9665CC1EF1C83
This translates to: opentdeg
With this password you simply need to disable the onboard security checks
Without further delay, we present the Taito X3 multi image in both Yoko, and Tate... Please note this is the JVS version. There are other variants available in private... you know who to PM for details!
Simply enter the password shown above in the BIOS.
Disable security, write yourself a new drive, and enjoy!
Have fun! Be safe! We will be back with more soon.
Official video tutorial for the Taito X3 Multi - Eye for an Eye edition, by Mitsu (as usual!) can be found here: