ApolloVM is a portable VM (native, JS/Web, Flutter) that can parse, translate, and execute multiple languages such as Dart, Java, and JavaScript. It also provides on-the-fly compilation to Wasm.
Experience ApolloVM in action right from your browser:
- Explore the ApolloVM Web Demo
If you prefer to run the demo on your local machine:
- Follow the step-by-step instructions available in the GitHub Repository.
You can use the executable apollovm
to run
or translate
source codes.
First you should activate the package globally:
$> dart pub global activate apollovm
Now you can use the apollovm
Dart executable:
$> apollovm help
ApolloVM - A compact VM for Dart and Java.
Usage: apollovm <command> [arguments]
Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-v, --version Show ApolloVM version.
Available commands:
run Run a source file.
translate Translate a source file.
Run "apollovm help <command>" for more information about a command.
To run
a Java file:
$> apollovm run -v test/hello-world.java foo
## [RUN] File: 'test/hello-world.java' ; language: java11 > main( [foo] )
Hello World!
- args: [foo]
- a0: foo
To translate
a Java file to Dart:
$> apollovm translate -v --target dart test/hello-world.java
## [TRANSLATE] File: 'test/hello-world.java' ; language: java11 > targetLanguage: dart
<<<< [SOURCES_BEGIN] >>>>
<<<< NAMESPACE="" >>>>
<<<< CODE_UNIT_START="/test/hello-world.java" >>>>
class Hello {
static void main(List<String> args) {
var a0 = args[0];
print('Hello World!');
print('- args: $args');
print('- a0: $a0');
<<<< CODE_UNIT_END="/test/hello-world.java" >>>>
<<<< [SOURCES_END] >>>>
Dart supports compilation to native self-contained executables.
To have a fast and small executable of ApolloVM
, just clone the project and compile it:
## Go to a directory to clone the project (usually a workspace):
$> cd ./some-workspace/
## Git clone the project:
$> git clone https://github.com/ApolloVM/apollovm_dart.git
## Enter the project:
$> cd ./apollovm_dart
## Compile ApolloVM executable:
$> dart compile exe bin/apollovm.dart
## Copy the binary to your preferred PATH:
$> cp bin/apollovm.exe /usr/bin/apollovm
Now you can use apollovm
as a self-executable,
even if you don't have Dart installed.
The ApolloVM is still in alpha stage. Below, we can see a simple usage examples in Dart and Java.
Loading Dart source code, executing it, and then converting it to Java 11:
import 'package:apollovm/apollovm.dart';
void main() async {
var vm = ApolloVM();
var codeUnit = SourceCodeUnit(
class Foo {
int main(List<Object> args) {
var title = args[0];
var a = args[1];
var b = args[2] ~/ 2;
var c = args[3] * 3;
if (c > 120) {
c = 120 ;
var str = 'variables> a: $a ; b: $b ; c: $c' ;
var sumAB = a + b ;
var sumABC = a + b + c;
// Map:
var map = <String,int>{
'a': a,
'b': b,
'c': c,
'sumAB': sumAB,
"sumABC": sumABC,
print('Map: $map');
print('Map `b`: ${map['b']}');
return map['sumABC'];
id: 'test');
var loadOK = await vm.loadCodeUnit(codeUnit);
if (!loadOK) {
print("Can't load source!");
var dartRunner = vm.createRunner('dart')!;
// Map the `print` function in the VM:
dartRunner.externalPrintFunction = (o) => print("» $o");
var astValue = await dartRunner.executeClassMethod(
positionalParameters: [
['Sums:', 10, 30, 50]
var result = astValue.getValueNoContext();
print('Result: $result');
// Regenerate code in Java11:
var codeStorageJava = vm.generateAllCodeIn('java11');
var allSourcesJava = await codeStorageJava.writeAllSources();
Note: the parsed function print
was mapped as an external function.
» variables> a: 10 ; b: 15 ; c: 120
» Sums:
» 25
» 145
» Map: {a: 10, b: 15, c: 120, sumAB: 25, sumABC: 145}
» Map `b`: 15
Result: 145
<<<< [SOURCES_BEGIN] >>>>
<<<< NAMESPACE="" >>>>
<<<< CODE_UNIT_START="/test" >>>>
class Foo {
int main(Object[] args) {
var title = args[0];
var a = args[1];
var b = args[2] / 2;
var c = args[3] * 3;
if (c > 120) {
c = 120;
var str = "variables> a: " + a + " ; b: " + b + " ; c: " + c;
var sumAB = a + b;
var sumABC = a + b + c;
var map = new HashMap<String,int>(){{
put("a", a);
put("b", b);
put("c", c);
put("sumAB", sumAB);
put("sumABC", sumABC);
print("Map: " + map);
print("Map `b`: " + String.valueOf( map["b"] ));
return map["sumABC"];
<<<< CODE_UNIT_END="/test" >>>>
<<<< [SOURCES_END] >>>>
Loading Java 11 source code, executing it, and then converting it to Dart:
import 'package:apollovm/apollovm.dart';
void main() async {
var vm = ApolloVM();
var codeUnit = SourceCodeUnit(
class Foo {
static public void main(Object[] args) {
var title = args[0];
var a = args[1];
var b = args[2];
var c = args[3];
var sumAB = a + b ;
var sumABC = a + b + c;
// Map:
var map = new HashMap<String,int>(){{
put("a", a);
put("b", b);
put("c", c);
put("sumAB", sumAB);
put("sumABC", sumABC);
print("Map: " + map);
id: 'test');
var loadOK = await vm.loadCodeUnit(codeUnit);
if (!loadOK) {
throw StateError('Error parsing Java11 code!');
var javaRunner = vm.createRunner('java11')!;
// Map the `print` function in the VM:
javaRunner.externalPrintFunction = (o) => print("» $o");
await javaRunner.executeClassMethod('', 'Foo', 'main', positionalParameters: [
['Sums:', 10, 20, 30]
// Regenerate code:
var codeStorageDart = vm.generateAllCodeIn('dart');
var allSourcesDart = await codeStorageDart.writeAllSources();
Note: the parsed function print
was mapped as an external function.
» Sums:
» 30
» 60
» Map: {a: 10, b: 20, c: 30, sumAB: 30, sumABC: 60}
<<<< [SOURCES_BEGIN] >>>>
<<<< NAMESPACE="" >>>>
<<<< CODE_UNIT_START="/test" >>>>
class Foo {
static void main(List<Object> args) {
var title = args[0];
var a = args[1];
var b = args[2];
var c = args[3];
var sumAB = a + b;
var sumABC = a + b + c;
var map = <String,int>{'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c, 'sumAB': sumAB, 'sumABC': sumABC};
print('Map: $map');
<<<< CODE_UNIT_END="/test" >>>>
<<<< [SOURCES_END] >>>>
ApolloVM can compile its AST tree to WebAssembly (Wasm). This means that parsed code loaded into the VM can be compiled on the fly, without the need for any third-party tools.
- Status: Wasm support is still in the alpha stage and currently only supports basic integer operations. Full support for AST trees is currently under development.
Example of Dart code compiled to Wasm:
int main( int a , double b ) {
var x = (a + b) / 2 ;
if (x > 1000) {
return -1;
return x ;
Example code to compile to WebAssembly (Wasm):
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:apollovm/apollovm.dart';
void main() async {
var wasmBytes = await compileToWasm('dart', '''
int main( int a , double b ) {
var x = (a + b) / 2 ;
if (x > 1000) {
return -1;
return x ;
// Execute or save the compiled Wasm...
Future<Uint8List> compileToWasm(String codeLanguage, String code) async {
var vm = ApolloVM();
var codeUnit = SourceCodeUnit(codeLanguage, code, id: 'test');
Object? loadError;
var loadOK = false;
try {
loadOK = await vm.loadCodeUnit(codeUnit);
} catch (e, s) {
loadError = e;
if (!loadOK) {
throw StateError(
"Can't load source! Language: $codeLanguage\n\n$loadError");
var storageWasm = vm.generateAllIn<BytesOutput>('wasm');
var wasmModules = await storageWasm.allEntries();
var namespace0 = wasmModules.values.first;
var wasmModule = namespace0.entries.first;
var wasmOutput = wasmModule.value; // BytesOutput
print(wasmOutput.toString()); // Show bytes description.
var wasmBytes = wasmOutput.output();
return wasmBytes;
Generated Wasm
bytes with description:
## Wasm Magic:
[0 97 115 109]
## Version 1:
[1 0 0 0]
## Section: Type:
## Section Type ID:
## Bytes block length:
## Functions signatures:
## Types count:
## Type: function:
## Parameters types:
[2 126 124]
## Return value:
[1 126]
## Section: Function:
## Section Function ID:
## Bytes block length:
## Functions type indexes:
[1 0]
## Section: Export:
## Section Export ID:
## Bytes block length:
## Exported types:
## Exported types count:
## Export function:
## Function name(`main`):
[4 109 97 105 110]
## Export type(function):
## Type index(0):
## Section: Code:
## Section Code ID:
## Bytes block length:
## Functions bodies:
## Bodies count:
## Bytes block length:
## Function body:
## Local variables count:
## Declared variable count:
## Declared variable type(f64):
## [OP] local get: 0 $a:
[32 0]
## [OP] convert i64 to f64 signed:
## [OP] local get: 1 $b:
[32 1]
## [OP] operator: add(f64):
## [OP] push constant(i64): 2:
[66 2]
## [OP] convert i64 to f64 signed:
## [OP] operator: divide(f64):
## [OP] local set: 2 $x:
[33 2]
## [OP] local get: 2 $x:
[32 2]
## [OP] push constant(i64): 1000:
[66 232 7]
## [OP] convert i64 to f64 signed:
## [OP] operator: greaterThan(f64):
## [OP] if ( x > (int) 1000 ):
[4 64]
## [OP] push constant(i64): -1:
[66 127]
## [OP] return value: (int) -1:
## [OP] if end:
## [OP] local get: 2 $x (return):
[32 2]
## f64TruncateToI64Signed:
## [OP] return variable: 2 $x:
## Code body end:
- NOTE: When compiling to WebAssembly, ApolloVM keeps track of the stack and performs automatic type casting to facilitate operations between different types or return values.
ApolloVM uses PetitParser for Dart to define the grammars of the languages and to analyze the source codes.
- PetitParser @ GitHub (a very nice project to build parsers).
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
Any help from the open-source community is always welcome and needed:
- Have an issue? Please fill a bug report 👍.
- Feature? Request with use cases 🤝.
- Like the project? Promote, post, or donate 😄.
- Are you a developer? Fix a bug, add a feature, or improve tests 🚀.
- Already helped? Many thanks from me, the contributors and all project users 👏👏👏!
Contribute an hour and inspire others to do the same.
JavaScript support:
- Use the Java implementation (at "lib/src/languages/java/java11") as starting point.
Python support.
Package Importer.
Full Wasm support:
- See the Wasm generator.
Graciliano M. Passos: gmpassos@GitHub.
Don't be shy, show some love, and become our GitHub Sponsor. Your support means the world to us, and it keeps the code caffeinated! ☕✨
Thanks a million! 🚀😄