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Merge pull request #423 from springerigor/unify-indentations
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Unify indentations across all locale files
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Pajk committed Feb 12, 2016
2 parents 855e233 + 56ef3d5 commit beb4bb2
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Showing 6 changed files with 165 additions and 169 deletions.
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions config/locales/de.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
resources: Ressourcen
resource: Ressource
description: Beschreibung
no_docs_found: Keine Dokumentation gefunden
no_docs_found_descr: Es wurde keine Dokumentation für die API gefunden.
follow_instructions_html: Folge %{href} für eine Anleitung zur Beschreibung der Controller.
follow_instructions_href: weitere Anweisungen
oops: Upps!!
resource_not_found_html: Ressource %{resource} nicht gefunden.
method_not_found_html: Methode %{method} für %{resource} nicht gefunden.
goto_homepage_html: Öffne %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API-Dokumentation"
required: verpflichtend
optional: optional
nil_allowed: nil erlaubt
param_name: Parametername
params: Parameter
examples: Beispiele
metadata: Metadaten
errors: Fehler
supported_formats: Unterstützte Formate
enable_javascript_html: Aktiviere JavaScript für den Aufruf von %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: Kommentarfunktion bereitgestellt durch %{disqus}
api_documentation: API-Dokumentation
headers: Kopfzeilen
header_name: Name der Kopfzeile
resources: Ressourcen
resource: Ressource
description: Beschreibung
no_docs_found: Keine Dokumentation gefunden
no_docs_found_descr: Es wurde keine Dokumentation für die API gefunden.
follow_instructions_html: Folge %{href} für eine Anleitung zur Beschreibung der Controller.
follow_instructions_href: weitere Anweisungen
oops: Upps!!
resource_not_found_html: Ressource %{resource} nicht gefunden.
method_not_found_html: Methode %{method} für %{resource} nicht gefunden.
goto_homepage_html: Öffne %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API-Dokumentation"
required: verpflichtend
optional: optional
nil_allowed: nil erlaubt
param_name: Parametername
params: Parameter
examples: Beispiele
metadata: Metadaten
errors: Fehler
supported_formats: Unterstützte Formate
enable_javascript_html: Aktiviere JavaScript für den Aufruf von %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: Kommentarfunktion bereitgestellt durch %{disqus}
api_documentation: API-Dokumentation
headers: Kopfzeilen
header_name: Name der Kopfzeile
61 changes: 30 additions & 31 deletions config/locales/en.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,31 @@
resources: Resources
resource: Resource
description: Description
no_docs_found: No documentation found
no_docs_found_descr: We have not found any documentation for your API.
follow_instructions_html: Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.
follow_instructions_href: further instructions
oops: Oops!!
resource_not_found_html: Resource %{resource} not found.
method_not_found_html: Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.
goto_homepage_html: Try going to %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API documentation homepage"
required: required
optional: optional
nil_allowed: nil allowed
param_name: Param name
params: Params
examples: Examples
metadata: Metadata
errors: Errors
error_code: Code
error_description: Description
error_metadata: Metadata
supported_formats: Supported Formats
enable_javascript_html: Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: comments powered by %{disqus}
api_documentation: API documentation
headers: Headers
header_name: Header name

resources: Resources
resource: Resource
description: Description
no_docs_found: No documentation found
no_docs_found_descr: We have not found any documentation for your API.
follow_instructions_html: Follow %{href} on how to describe your controllers.
follow_instructions_href: further instructions
oops: Oops!!
resource_not_found_html: Resource %{resource} not found.
method_not_found_html: Method %{method} not found for resource %{resource}.
goto_homepage_html: Try going to %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API documentation homepage"
required: required
optional: optional
nil_allowed: nil allowed
param_name: Param name
params: Params
examples: Examples
metadata: Metadata
errors: Errors
error_code: Code
error_description: Description
error_metadata: Metadata
supported_formats: Supported Formats
enable_javascript_html: Please enable JavaScript to view the %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: comments powered by %{disqus}
api_documentation: API documentation
headers: Headers
header_name: Header name
54 changes: 27 additions & 27 deletions config/locales/es.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
resources: Recursos
resource: Recurso
description: Descripción
no_docs_found: No se encontró la documentación
no_docs_found_descr: No hemos encontrado ninguna documentación para tu API.
follow_instructions_html: Siga %{href} sobre cómo describir sus controladores.
follow_instructions_href: más instrucciones
oops: Huy!!
resource_not_found_html: Recurso %{resource} no encontrado.
method_not_found_html: Método %{method} no encontrado para el recurso %{resource}.
goto_homepage_html: Trate de ir a %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} página de documentación API "
required: requerido
optional: opcional
nil_allowed: nil permitido
param_name: Nombre del parámetro
params: Parámetros
examples: Ejemplos
metadata: Metadatos
errors: Errores
supported_formats: Formatos soportados
enable_javascript_html: Por favor, active JavaScript para ver el %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: comentarios gracias a %{disqus}
api_documentation: Documentación de la API
headers: Cabeceras
header_name: Nombre de cabecera
resources: Recursos
resource: Recurso
description: Descripción
no_docs_found: No se encontró la documentación
no_docs_found_descr: No hemos encontrado ninguna documentación para tu API.
follow_instructions_html: Siga %{href} sobre cómo describir sus controladores.
follow_instructions_href: más instrucciones
oops: Huy!!
resource_not_found_html: Recurso %{resource} no encontrado.
method_not_found_html: Método %{method} no encontrado para el recurso %{resource}.
goto_homepage_html: Trate de ir a %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} página de documentación API "
required: requerido
optional: opcional
nil_allowed: nil permitido
param_name: Nombre del parámetro
params: Parámetros
examples: Ejemplos
metadata: Metadatos
errors: Errores
supported_formats: Formatos soportados
enable_javascript_html: Por favor, active JavaScript para ver el %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: comentarios gracias a %{disqus}
api_documentation: Documentación de la API
headers: Cabeceras
header_name: Nombre de cabecera
55 changes: 27 additions & 28 deletions config/locales/pl.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
resources: Zasoby
resource: Zasób
description: Opis
no_docs_found: Nie znalezionio dokumentacji
no_docs_found_descr: Nie znaleziono dokumentacji dla twojego API.
follow_instructions_html: Przejdź do %{href} aby opisać swoje kontrolery.
follow_instructions_href: dalsze instrukcje
oops: Ups!!
resource_not_found_html: Zasób %{resource} nie został znaleziony.
method_not_found_html: Metoda %{method} dla zasobu %{resource} nie została znaleziona.
goto_homepage_html: Spróbuj przejść do %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} Strona główna dokumentacji API"
required: wymagany
optional: opcjonalny
nil_allowed: nil dopuszczalny
param_name: Nazwa parametru
params: Parametry
examples: Przykłady
metadata: Metadane
errors: Błędy
supported_formats: Dostępne formaty
enable_javascript_html: Proszę włączyć obsługę javascript w celu zobaczenia %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: komentarze obsługiwane przez %{disqus}
api_documentation: Dokumentacja API
headers: Nagłówki
header_name: Nazwa nagłówka

resources: Zasoby
resource: Zasób
description: Opis
no_docs_found: Nie znalezionio dokumentacji
no_docs_found_descr: Nie znaleziono dokumentacji dla twojego API.
follow_instructions_html: Przejdź do %{href} aby opisać swoje kontrolery.
follow_instructions_href: dalsze instrukcje
oops: Ups!!
resource_not_found_html: Zasób %{resource} nie został znaleziony.
method_not_found_html: Metoda %{method} dla zasobu %{resource} nie została znaleziona.
goto_homepage_html: Spróbuj przejść do %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} Strona główna dokumentacji API"
required: wymagany
optional: opcjonalny
nil_allowed: nil dopuszczalny
param_name: Nazwa parametru
params: Parametry
examples: Przykłady
metadata: Metadane
errors: Błędy
supported_formats: Dostępne formaty
enable_javascript_html: Proszę włączyć obsługę JavaScript w celu zobaczenia %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: komentarze obsługiwane przez %{disqus}
api_documentation: Dokumentacja API
headers: Nagłówki
header_name: Nazwa nagłówka
55 changes: 27 additions & 28 deletions config/locales/ru.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
resources: Ресурсы
resource: Ресурс
description: Описание
no_docs_found: Документация не найдена
no_docs_found_descr: Мы не нашли никакой документации для вашего API.
follow_instructions_html: Перейдите по ссылке %{href}, чтобы узнать как описать ваш API.
follow_instructions_href: дополнительные инструкции
oops: Ой!!
resource_not_found_html: Ресурс %{resource} не найден.
method_not_found_html: Метод %{method} для ресурса %{resource} не найден.
goto_homepage_html: Перейдите %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} домашняя страница API документации"
required: обязательно
optional: необязательно
nil_allowed: nil разрешен
param_name: Имя параметра
params: Параметры
examples: Примеры
metadata: Метаданные
errors: Ошибки
supported_formats: Поддерживаемые форматы
enable_javascript_html: Пожалуйста включите JavaScript, чтобы просматривать %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: комментарии представлены %{disqus}
api_documentation: API документация
headers: Заголовки
header_name: Название заголовка

resources: Ресурсы
resource: Ресурс
description: Описание
no_docs_found: Документация не найдена
no_docs_found_descr: Мы не нашли никакой документации для вашего API.
follow_instructions_html: Перейдите по ссылке %{href}, чтобы узнать как описать ваш API.
follow_instructions_href: дополнительные инструкции
oops: Ой!!
resource_not_found_html: Ресурс %{resource} не найден.
method_not_found_html: Метод %{method} для ресурса %{resource} не найден.
goto_homepage_html: Перейдите %{href}
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} домашняя страница API документации"
required: обязательно
optional: необязательно
nil_allowed: nil разрешен
param_name: Имя параметра
params: Параметры
examples: Примеры
metadata: Метаданные
errors: Ошибки
supported_formats: Поддерживаемые форматы
enable_javascript_html: Пожалуйста включите JavaScript, чтобы просматривать %{comments_href}.
comments_powered_by_disqus: комментарии представлены %{disqus}
api_documentation: API документация
headers: Заголовки
header_name: Название заголовка
55 changes: 27 additions & 28 deletions config/locales/tr.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
resources: Kaynaklar
resource: Kaynak
description: Açıklama
no_docs_found: Hiçbir belge bulunamadı
no_docs_found_descr: API'niz için hiçbir belge bulunamadı.
follow_instructions_html: Controller açıklaması belgeleri için %{href} yolunu izleyin.
follow_instructions_href: daha fazla talimatlar
oops: Üzgünüz!!
resource_not_found_html: Kaynak %{resource} bulunamadı.
method_not_found_html: "%{resource} kaynağının %{method} yöntemi bulunamadı."
goto_homepage_html: "%{href} adresini deneyin"
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API belgeleri ana sayfası"
required: gerekli
optional: isteğe bağlı
nil_allowed: nil olabilir
param_name: Parametre adı
params: Parametreler
examples: Örnekler
metadata: Üst veriler
errors: Hatalar
supported_formats: Desteklenen Biçimler
enable_javascript_html: "%{comments_href} adresini görebilmek için lütfen JavaScript'i etkinleştirin."
comments_powered_by_disqus: yorumlar %{disqus} tarafından desteklenmektedir
api_documentation: API belgeleri
headers: Üst bilgiler
header_name: Üst bilgi adı

resources: Kaynaklar
resource: Kaynak
description: Açıklama
no_docs_found: Hiçbir belge bulunamadı
no_docs_found_descr: API'niz için hiçbir belge bulunamadı.
follow_instructions_html: Controller açıklaması belgeleri için %{href} yolunu izleyin.
follow_instructions_href: daha fazla talimatlar
oops: Üzgünüz!!
resource_not_found_html: Kaynak %{resource} bulunamadı.
method_not_found_html: "%{resource} kaynağının %{method} yöntemi bulunamadı."
goto_homepage_html: "%{href} adresini deneyin"
goto_homepage_href: "%{app_name} API belgeleri ana sayfası"
required: gerekli
optional: isteğe bağlı
nil_allowed: nil olabilir
param_name: Parametre adı
params: Parametreler
examples: Örnekler
metadata: Üst veriler
errors: Hatalar
supported_formats: Desteklenen Biçimler
enable_javascript_html: "%{comments_href} adresini görebilmek için lütfen JavaScript'i etkinleştirin."
comments_powered_by_disqus: yorumlar %{disqus} tarafından desteklenmektedir
api_documentation: API belgeleri
headers: Üst bilgiler
header_name: Üst bilgi adı

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