Easy way to launch gRPC server with access to Django ORM and other handy staff. gRPC request are much faster that traditional HTTP requests because are not passed through standard middlewares. You need this project only if you want to use Django functionality in gRPC service. For pure python implementation read this
pip install django-grpc
Update settings.py
# ...
'servicers': ['dotted.path.to.callback'], # see `grpc_hook()` below
'interceptors': ['dotted.path.to.interceptor_class',], # optional, interceprots are similar to middleware in Django
'maximum_concurrent_rpcs': None,
The callback that initializes "servicer" must look like following:
import my_pb2
import my_pb2_grpc
def grpc_hook(server):
my_pb2_grpc.add_MYServicer_to_server(MYServicer(), server)
class MYServicer(my_pb2_grpc.MYServicer):
def GetPage(self, request, context):
response = my_pb2.PageResponse(title="Demo object")
return response
python manage.py grpcserver
For developer's convenience add --autoreload
flag during development.
There is an easy way to serialize django model to gRPC message using django_grpc.serializers.serialize_model
You can call methods of your servicer and decode them using django_grpc.serializers.deserialize_message
will convert gRPC messages to python dictionary