Use Ansight to record, replay and analyse testing sessions of your Android apps.
Simplify your teams communication; talk about how to solve the bug, not how to replicate it.
Enable developer mode on a device and then plug it into your computer. Ansight will immediately connect and show you the logs and screen for the device.
Ansight is plug and play:
- It does not require any SDK's to be added to your apps.
- It does not require any app's to be installed onto a users device.
- It does not require any developer tools on your computer.
- It is compatible with all Android development frameworks and tools.
Ansight records a screen recording, device logs, device details, app details and app memory usage in a single replayable file.
With Ansight, you can:
- View the live behaviour of a device and optionally target a specific app to monitor.
- Record a device session and then replay it. Correlate application and system-level events with a screen recording.
- View and filter incoming Android device logs with an easy to log viewer.
- View the memory, CPU and rendering performance for a specific app.