Below are the steps to setup a Local Kind k8s Cluster with Istio to demo Canary Deployments using Flagger.
Kind - To Setup Cluster
brew install kind
Istioctl - To Install Istio
Kuberenetes Version: 1.22.15 - kubectl
Install a Kind Cluster with mertics server
Use the script, to create a local kind cluster.
The configuration for the kind cluster also contains port mappings as below.
extraPortMappings: - containerPort: 30000 hostPort: 80 listenAddress: "" protocol: TCP - containerPort: 30001 hostPort: 443 listenAddress: "" protocol: TCP - containerPort: 30002 hostPort: 15021 listenAddress: "" protocol: TCP
This will also install metrics-server in the kube-system namespace.
Install Istio
We will use istioctl and IstioOperator Resource to perform istio insallation. To install Istio use the below command:
istioctl install -f istio-installation/install-istio.yaml
Verify Istio Installation is complete using the below command from your machine:
curl -sI http://localhost:15021/healthz/ready
Configure Public Gateway
Once instio is installed, configure an ingress gateway to expose the demo app outside of the mesh.
kubectl create -f public-gateway-istio.yaml
Install and configure Prometheus, Grafana and Kiali
To install Prometheus use:
kubectl apply -f
To port forward Prometheus use:
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward svc/prometheus 9090:9090
To install Grafana use:
helm upgrade -i flagger-grafana flagger/grafana \ --namespace=istio-system \ --set url=http://prometheus.istio-system:9090 \ --set user=admin \ --set password=change-me
To port forward Grafana use:
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward svc/flagger-grafana 3100:80
To install Kiali use:
kubectl apply -f
To port forward Kiali use:
kubectl port-forward svc/kiali 20001:20001 -n istio-system
Install Flagger
Create CRD's for Flagger to work:
kubectl apply -f
Create Flagger Namespace
kubectl create ns flagger-system
Install Flagger using Helm
helm upgrade -i flagger flagger/flagger \ --namespace=flagger-system \ --set crd.create=false \ --set meshProvider=istio \ --set metricsServer=http://prometheus.istio-system:9090
Setup Sample Application for Demo
Create a Test Namespace and Enable Istio Sidecar Injection
kubectl create ns test kubectl label namespace test istio-injection=enabled
Install the PodInfo Deployment:
kubectl apply -k
Install the PodInfor Load Test Deployment to Generate Sample Traffic:
kubectl apply -k
Lets create a Metric Template to Count the Number of 500 Errors to simulate this rollback situation:
kubectl apply -f error-rollback-metric-template.yaml
Create the Canary Resourse to perform the Canary Deployments:
kubectl apply -f podinfo-canary.yaml
Verify that the Canary has been sucessfully create using:
kubectl get canaries -n test
Ensure the Canary is in "Initialized" Status before proceeding further.
Ensure you are able to access the application from your local browser using as specified in the Canary Configuration. In case not working, make an entry as below in /etc/hosts file and verify again.
Hence, above we manually applied the following resources:
deployment.apps/podinfo horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/podinfo
And once the canary was created it created the following resources with it:
deployment.apps/podinfo-primary horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling/podinfo-primary service/podinfo service/podinfo-canary service/podinfo-primary
Generate Sample Traffic to the Deployment from the Load Testing Application:
watch curl http://podinfo-canary:9898/status/500 watch curl http://podinfo-canary:9898/status/500 hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 http://podinfo-canary.test:9898/status/500 hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 http://podinfo-canary.test:9898/status/200
Trigger a Canary Deployment by Updating the Image
kubectl -n test set image deployment/podinfo \
Flagger detects that the deployment revision changed and starts a new rollout:
kubectl -n test describe canary/podinfo
Monitor the status of Canaries using below command:
watch kubectl get canaries --all-namespaces
Montior the Configuration of the Virtual Service using:
watch kubectl get vs podinfo -oyaml
Trigger a Canary Deployment by Updating the Image
kubectl -n test set image deployment/podinfo \
Generate False Error Traffic and 500 to make it seem the deployment is failing.
Exec into the LoadTester Pod:
kubectl -n test exec -it flagger-loadtester-xx-xx sh
Generate Fake Error Traffic with 500 Status:
hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 http://podinfo-canary.test:9898/status/500
We can notice that the Canary Deployment comes to a Halt as the failure metric condition is met and Deployment is rolled back after retry.
To delete the local demo kind k8s cluster:
kind delete cluster --name flagger