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Releases: AnimeEffectsDevs/AnimeEffects

AnimeEffects v1.6 - Audio system, Qt6, fixes and QoL features!

11 Mar 04:47
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AnimeEffects for Windows now requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables to run, please install the included vc_redist.x64.exe file.



  • Port to Qt6, alongside deprecation of x86 builds and a requirement bump
  • Bump in-app FFmpeg version to v7.x
  • Add new audio system, simply click on the icon in the timeline, and you'll be able to load audio files usable on editing and on export (thanks @Arrangemonk for the icons)
  • Fixed many, MANY bugs
  • Added error correction to load files made with prior versions of the HSV key
  • Various refactors and miscellaneous script fixes
  • Made "breeze dark" the default theme
  • Added ability to duplicate layers and folders
  • Improve HSV performance
  • Added "looping" option to exporter for GIFs
  • Added option to ignore export warnings
  • Added new key binds
    • Move one frame to the right (by default Alt + 3)
    • Move one frame to the left (by default Alt + 1)
  • Added initial OpenRaster (*.ora) support (your project layout might be a bit jumbled, I'm planning on fixing this on the next version)
  • Added right click menu to space out selected key frames by an arbitrary amount of frames
  • Increased macro limit to 64
  • Added donation menu (can be toggled off in the settings)
  • Added ability to manually select data folder should AnimeEffects not be able to find it
  • On export, Anie will check for FFmpeg existing and working (this can be disabled from the settings)
  • Added various sanity checks, error handlers, etc
  • Updated JP and ZH translations (special thanks to onebystu on Twitter for their Chinese translation)
  • Updated various strings to be easier to understand
  • Updated menu layout for ease of use, the resources panel now resides in the "Project Attributes" menu
  • Added top node right click option to insert missing attributes from the current resource tree
  • Added ability to ignore export warnings automatically
  • Minor changes to theming
  • Added system telemetry menu, this will copy all your system specs into your clipboard for ease of error reporting
  • Reworked about us menu
  • Fixed CI over 20 times, thanks a lot GitHub for breaking my CI every other week
  • Added ability to ignore ID checks when downloading FFmpeg, so you can do so even after I upgrade to a newer version
  • Other things I'm probably forgetting

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.6

Dev notes

Kept you waiting, huh?

It's been a very chaotic time, but I'm still alive and working on this project, hope you like what I've been working on.
A massive thank you to everyone that has helped and donated in the meantime.

AnimeEffects v1.5.2 - Hotfix edition

22 Jan 15:08
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What's Changed

  • Basically version 1.5.1 but with fixes for: the scrollbar not working in timeline, error handler misfire, various crashes among other stuff.
  • Hotfix by @p-yukusai in #38
  • Hotfix by @p-yukusai in #39
  • Hotfix by @p-yukusai in #40
  • Version bump by @p-yukusai in #41

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2

Changelog for v1.5.1

Changes by @GbotHQ
  • Reformat code using custom config
  • Add CMake support
Changes by @p-yukusai
  • Fixed missing dark palette
  • Fixed MacOS' CI
  • Updated Ubuntu LTS' CI
  • Added .qm file for the Chinese translation made by O2
  • Various refactors, bugfixes and other miscellaneous stuff
  • Added new checks to the "About" menu
  • Added a way to change the Easing and Range of all selected keyframes by right-clicking
  • Changed windows installer script to install to user writeable folders
  • Added an unsupported flatpak build script
  • Added new exporter!
Details on the new exporter
  • Currently the Custom parameters do not work, they will be implemented in the next update, but will be explained here nonetheless.
  • There are three modes for aspect ratio, this is mostly for convenience when scrolling the spin-box containing the resolution selected, but it will throw a warning if you selected to keep the aspect ratio but your resolution is too far from the original ratio.
    The modes are: One-To-One (both resolutions move together in a one-to-one ratio), Keep aspect ratio (the resolution is set by calculating the aspect ratio in accordance to that of the original image, the calculation is "New Width = (Original Width x New Height) / Original Height", replace width with height for the New Height formula), and Custom (which does nothing and lets you set whatever resolution you want).
  • There are two export types now Animation and Image sequence, depending on which one you select there will be different formats available for you on the Save As... dialog your OS provides.
  • There are now "intermediate types" which determine what kind of file the animation will be saved as while exporting to FFmpeg or are enabled or when the format requires it for other features such as transparency, when not using transparency you should prefer to output PPM intermediates, as they are significantly faster than other formats.
  • You can now export with transparency! (If the format, the pixel format and the encoder allow for it)
  • You can force a piped export, which means to directly send the frames to FFmpeg for encoding to allow for a faster export, this may turn off things like custom parameters.
  • You can use and save custom parameters on your exports, both on your intermediate targets and in your final render! This means you can let another program take care of certain pre or post-processing for you straight out of AnimeEffects (we will not ensure that the parameters are correct, so you may break your rendering pipeline or cause other issues, also bare in mind that this will just basically execute a custom command on your OS's shell, so use with care)
  • You can select and use a custom palette on your export
  • You can select frame ranges to export (idea from cuthalionxvi) so that means if you don't want to export a certain amount of frames you can do so, just be careful not to overlap these ranges!
    I picked the following formats because they were either popular or at random because they are easily supported by either Qt or FFmpeg, if you want support for a format that's not on these lists please let me know!
  • We support the following image sequence formats:
    • "bmp", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "ppm", "xbm", "xpm", "tiff", "webp"
  • We will support the following intermediate image formats:
    • "png", "bmp", "jpg", "ppm"
  • We will support the following animation formats:
    • "apng","avi","f4v","flv","gif","mkv","mov","mp2","mp4","ogv","swf","webm","webp"
  • We will support the following pixel formats:
    • "yuv420p", "yuva420p", "rgb24", "rgba", "bgr24", "bgra", "gray"
  • There is a rather extensive error handler that should hopefully catch most errors that occur during the export process.
  • The export process will show you the current frame it's working on with a counter bellow.
  • You can check all the logs after export, to see if there was an error or if something didn't go as expected.
  • You can select render image quality, the parameters go from -1 (Auto) to a range between 0 (Minimum quality) to 100 (Full Quality)
  • You can select your pixel formats and your encoders for some types, but we recommend you set them to "Auto"

AnimeEffects v1.5.1

16 Jan 16:39
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The donations in the interim between versions were highly appreciated, thank you so much everyone!

Known bugs (Please download v1.5.2):

  • Hotfix has hotfixes needed (Fixed)
  • Crash on certain exports (Fixed)
  • Palettegen tripping error handler (Fixed)
  • Timeline does not scroll properly (Fixed)
  • FFmpeg does not respond when retrieving I/O (Fixed)


Changes by @GbotHQ
  • Reformat code using custom config
  • Add CMake support
Changes by @p-yukusai
  • Fixed missing dark palette
  • Fixed MacOS' CI
  • Updated Ubuntu LTS' CI
  • Added .qm file for the Chinese translation made by O2
  • Various refactors, bugfixes and other miscellaneous stuff
  • Added new checks to the "About" menu
  • Added a way to change the Easing and Range of all selected keyframes by right-clicking
  • Changed windows installer script to install to user writeable folders
  • Added an unsupported flatpak build script
  • Added new exporter!
Details on the new exporter
  • Currently the Custom parameters do not work, they will be implemented in the next update, but will be explained here nonetheless.
  • There are three modes for aspect ratio, this is mostly for convenience when scrolling the spin-box containing the resolution selected, but it will throw a warning if you selected to keep the aspect ratio but your resolution is too far from the original ratio.
    The modes are: One-To-One (both resolutions move together in a one-to-one ratio), Keep aspect ratio (the resolution is set by calculating the aspect ratio in accordance to that of the original image, the calculation is "New Width = (Original Width x New Height) / Original Height", replace width with height for the New Height formula), and Custom (which does nothing and lets you set whatever resolution you want).
  • There are two export types now Animation and Image sequence, depending on which one you select there will be different formats available for you on the Save As... dialog your OS provides.
  • There are now "intermediate types" which determine what kind of file the animation will be saved as while exporting to FFmpeg or are enabled or when the format requires it for other features such as transparency, when not using transparency you should prefer to output PPM intermediates, as they are significantly faster than other formats.
  • You can now export with transparency! (If the format, the pixel format and the encoder allow for it)
  • You can force a piped export, which means to directly send the frames to FFmpeg for encoding to allow for a faster export, this may turn off things like custom parameters.
  • You can use and save custom parameters on your exports, both on your intermediate targets and in your final render! This means you can let another program take care of certain pre or post-processing for you straight out of AnimeEffects (we will not ensure that the parameters are correct, so you may break your rendering pipeline or cause other issues, also bare in mind that this will just basically execute a custom command on your OS's shell, so use with care)
  • You can select and use a custom palette on your export
  • You can select frame ranges to export (idea from cuthalionxvi) so that means if you don't want to export a certain amount of frames you can do so, just be careful not to overlap these ranges!
    I picked the following formats because they were either popular or at random because they are easily supported by either Qt or FFmpeg, if you want support for a format that's not on these lists please let me know!
  • We support the following image sequence formats:
    • "bmp", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "ppm", "xbm", "xpm", "tiff", "webp"
  • We will support the following intermediate image formats:
    • "png", "bmp", "jpg", "ppm"
  • We will support the following animation formats:
    • "apng","avi","f4v","flv","gif","mkv","mov","mp2","mp4","ogv","swf","webm","webp"
  • We will support the following pixel formats:
    • "yuv420p", "yuva420p", "rgb24", "rgba", "bgr24", "bgra", "gray"
  • There is a rather extensive error handler that should hopefully catch most errors that occur during the export process.
  • The export process will show you the current frame it's working on with a counter bellow.
  • You can check all the logs after export, to see if there was an error or if something didn't go as expected.
  • You can select render image quality, the parameters go from -1 (Auto) to a range between 0 (Minimum quality) to 100 (Full Quality)
  • You can select your pixel formats and your encoders for some types, but we recommend you set them to "Auto"

Full Changelog: p-yukusai/AnimeEffects@v1.5.0-beta...v1.5.1-beta

Release 1.5 High DPI, QoL and copying keys!

27 Jun 22:32
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Special thanks to Arrangemonk for sponsoring this release


Changes by @p-yukusai:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Changed "absolute color" to be an option inside the HSV key itself instead of being inside the settings,
    all projects that use the previous HSV will no longer load, we apologize for this.
    To make the project load you may remove all HSV key instances and then apply them on our new version.
  • Allowed keys to be copied to the clipboard and then pasted to any valid node (the layers or folders in the Animation Dock), with the exception of FFD keys. Here be dragons
    • Copying image keys require that there be one image of the same name in the resource holder of your project.
    • Image, Bone and Pose keys cannot be pasted into a folder node.
    • Bone keys can only paste one bone correctly, we hope to fix this soon™.
    • Pose keys cannot be pasted correctly, just as with the bone keys we hope to fix it soon™.
  • Added option not to automatically copy keys to the clipboard to the settings
  • You can right click any key to copy it to the clipboard
  • Timeline now follows the cursor position when scrolling
  • On boot AnimeEffects will check for updates
  • Renamed "reload images" to "reload images from file" in the Resource Holder
  • Added support and a new theme for high dpi displays
  • Added installer for Windows
  • Dark theme now properly changes the application palette
    • For some reason the code behind this fix got lost somewhere thanks to QtCreator, we've already fixed this and it'll come on our next release.
  • Bumped OpenGL version back to 4.0
  • Performance improvements to the renderer
  • Compressed all assets
  • Added Chinese translation (translation made by @O2_ink on Twitter, much thanks)
  • Version bump to 1.5.0
  • Project version bump to 0.7
  • HSV keys now support folders up to one level of inheritance, ergo, a singular folder and all its children
  • HSV rendering behaviour options have been removed, the timeline will render HSV keys as it would any other
  • Changed range of Saturation and Value in the HSV key to be from -100 to 100
  • Made more strings translatable
  • Initial placeholder for a new export menu (currently disabled)
  • Removed unused settings from their respective menus

Version Merge: #31
Full Changelog: p-yukusai/AnimeEffects@v1.4.3-beta...v1.5.0-beta

Release 1.4.3 - FFmpeg, Keybinds and Autosaves!

10 Mar 14:55
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We have decided not to transition to OpenGL 3.1 and instead continue to support OpenGL 3.3, the reasons for this are on the commentary of the respective pull request: #25

Changes by @GbotHQ

  • Lowered OpenGL version requirement to version 3.1 (Compatibility with older systems)
  • SpinBox and DoubleSpinBox live update, keybind for stepping 10 at a time (hold shift while changing values)

Changes by @p-yukusai

  • Added Autosaves
  • Allow for copying, pasting and deleting keys through keybinds (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V & Ctrl-X)
  • Fixed networking
  • Option to download AnimeEffects from the "Check for Updates" menu
  • Option to automatically show mesh when selecting FFD
  • Added FFmpeg check before exporting
  • Added an FFmpeg helper to the options menu (Troubleshoot and setup)
  • Bugfixes
  • Minor string changes
  • Updated JP translations
  • Added a button to reset your keybinds to the default
  • Added missing default keybinds
  • Ubuntu Bionic builds have reached EOL

Version Merge: #24
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3

Release 1.4.2 - Colors, watcher, fixes and more!

10 Feb 18:41
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  • Added new animation key (Hue, Saturation & Value, or HSV) for layer nodes, folder support is not ready but can be opted into.
    • Special thanks to Gambot for making this feature possible by writing the shader for it and helping with other OpenGL issues.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: Bumped project version from 0.5 to 0.6, this makes it so you cannot load projects made with this version onward on older versions of AnimeEffects.

  • Added a new settings tab called "Animation keys", where you can change your preferences. At the moment there are three settings to modify the behaviour of the new HSV key.
  • Added new settings tab called "Keybindings".
  • Added new "Reset recent files list" button to the settings.
  • The timeline will now automatically stop when it reaches its final frame and it's not looping.
  • Reworked most of the text to (hopefully) make it easier to understand.
  • Adjusted the Japanese translation to match with the previous change.
  • Made more of the application translatable.
  • Allowed keybinds to be repeated (the delay is customizable in the new "Keybindings" tab, by default it's 125ms).
  • Association handling, this means that you can double click your .anie projects, and set AnimeEffects as the program to open them with.
  • Fixed optimized palette exporting for the gif format.
  • Added a warning when exporting with odd height or width values, as that may break the rendering pipeline.
  • Added a "Check for Updates" button in the "Help" menu. (Relies on curl on Windows and on wget on Linux)
  • Added an optional filewatcher in the resource window, you now may watch for changes to your image files and automatically reload them within the project when a change is detected.
  • Simplified resource addition by just having an "Add resources" button instead of a menu
  • Added option to change FPS playback speed within the "Project" menu, this is saved on the project itself.
  • Changed "Open Recents" to read from QSettings instead of a file.
  • Added support for importing .webp and .tiff images
    • Tiff images get imported as a single layer, no layered support is currently available.
  • Fixed all known bugs with the "breeze_dark" theme
  • Fixed all GitHub actions
  • Added nightly artifacts to all actions.


The team got caught up implementing new features, so what would've been version 1.4.1 got pushed far enough to end up not existing, from here on out new versions will not make a jump again.

Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.2

Release 1.4 - QoL and major fixes!

01 Jan 22:08
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A lot has happened that makes this release take the major jump from 1.3.5 to 1.4.0, it has been a wild ride to write all of this but it has been completely worth it.

I've also made a new Twitter page for the project, and it would be lovely if you could share it so it reaches more people.

What's Changed

  • A new dark theme has been added (breeze_dark)
  • A lot of new scripts for building and deploying have been made
  • Version bump from 1.3.5 to 1.4.0
  • Added keybindings for
    • Timeline movement (Ctrl + Left or Right arrow keys)
    • Jumping to the first or last frame (Ctrl + Up or Down arrow keys)
    • Toggle Looping (Ctrl + R)
    • Toggle playback (Ctrl + Spacebar)
    • Toggle docks (Ctrl + Q)
  • Fix pull bones feature (thanks to aoi for reporting and Larpon for the help diagnosing)
  • Fix FFMPEG exporting, so now you can export to every available format file! (Please don't have '%20' in your file name to ensure this works properly)
  • Reduced minimum OpenGL version from 4.0 to 3.3
  • Fix MathUtil (this fixed the pull bones feature, along with other things that I may have failed to notice)
  • When opening a recent file, if it is not found it will be automatically deleted from the record (changes will apply on your next restart)
  • Upgrade Linux CI to Ubuntu 20.04 Jammy, a compatibility version for older distros has been made available.
  • Fixed MacOS CI, a zip containing has been made available.

Full Changelog: v1.3.4...v1.4.0

Pre-release test build

12 Sep 02:01
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For testing purposes, code will be made available later since it needs to be de-spaghettified 🍝 .

Current changes

  • Minor bugfixes
  • Allow hiding/showing all docks using a keybind
  • New keybinds for existing actions (Play/Pause, timeline movement)


05 Sep 15:31
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  • Added option to open recent projects
  • Changed "about" section to better reflect current development
  • New section in the options menu to setup the default easing and range types for new keyframes

Known bugs

If the window starts minimized, please click the maximize button (the window will not maximize at this state) and close the app, afterwards maximize it and the issue will be solved.


Added a new "debug" release for people that wish to report issues, please open the executable using a console, reproduce the bug and open an issue or write to us on the "#help-me" thread of the discord with all the details.

Further details

What's Changed

New Contributors