BioTools is a repository that has many tools and scripts which can be utilized to solve biological problems.
You can install the BioTools from Github with:
# Run this inside R environment
install.packages("devtools", dependencies = TRUE)
# Run this in your terminal
git clone
cd BioTools/tools
Rscript Hclust.R [-h] -i I -o O [-k K] [--clustering_distance CLUSTERING_DISTANCE] [--clustering_method CLUSTERING_METHOD]
mandatory arguments:
-i I Input file path
-o O Output folder path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-k K Number of clusters (optional; default value is 5)
--clustering_distance CLUSTERING_DISTANCE Clustering distance
--clustering_method CLUSTERING_METHOD Clustering method
--number_of_tests NUMBER_OF_TESTS Total number of test cluster size
This is a basic example which shows you how to use Hclust script:
cd /path/to/BioTools/tools
Rscript Hclust.R -i ../data/Hclust.csv -o ../output/07_24_2020
Rscript PCA.R [-h] -i I -o O -s S
mandatory arguments:
-i I Input file path
-o O Output folder path
-s S Start column index
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This is a basic example which shows you how to use PCA script:
cd /path/to/BioTools/tools
Rscript PCA.R -i ../data/03_22_2020_Arabidopsis_1001_BAA.csv -o ../output/07_25_2020 -s 3
Rscript Heatmap.R [-h] -i I -o O
mandatory arguments:
-i I Input file path
-o O Output folder path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This is a basic example which shows you how to use Heatmap script:
cd /path/to/BioTools/tools
Rscript Heatmap.R -i ../data/Hclust.csv -o ../output/07_26_2020
Rscript Ttest_and_FDR.R [-h] -i I -o O [--cores CORES] [--fdr_threshold FDR_THRESHOLD]
mandatory arguments:
-i I Input file path
-o O Output folder path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--cores CORES Number of clusters (optional; default value is 1)
--fdr_threshold FDR_THRESHOLD Threshold to filter FDR values
This is a basic example which shows you how to use T-test and FDR script:
cd /path/to/BioTools/tools
Rscript Ttest_and_FDR.R -i ../data/Maize_Drought_proteins_result.csv -o ../output/01_27_2021 --cores 10
Rscript Heritability.R [-h] -i I -o O -s S
mandatory arguments:
-i I Input file path
-o O Output folder path
-s S Start column index
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
This is a basic example which shows you how to use Heritability script:
cd /path/to/BioTools/tools
Rscript Heritability.R \
-i /array5/users/Angelovici_lab/GWAS_Project/Arabidopsis_1001/Outlier_removed_raw_data/03_22_2020_Arabidopsis_1001_FAA.csv \
-o /home/ycth8/data/projects/BioTools/output/07_28_2020 \
-s 3
To upgrade BioTools to the latest version, please remove the package and re-install the latest BioTools package:
# Run this inside R environment
# Run this in your terminal
cd /path/to/BioTools
git pull