Module for MagicMirror², to scrape content from any table on a webpage, choose which rows and columns you want, and how often you want to refresh the display on your mirror.
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone
cd MMM-Scrapey
npm install
Add this configuration into config.js
module: "MMM-Scrapey",
position: "lower_third",
config: {
title: "Scrapey module", // Optional - remove or leave empty for no title
url: "", // The URL of the page with the table to scrape
updateInterval: 300, // Refresh time in seconds
cssSelector: "table", // 'table' should select the first table on the page, or use CSS selectors to be more specific
tableColumns: [1,3,4], // Specify which columns to display (1-based index)
tableRows: [1,2,3], // Specify which rows to display (1-based index), leave empty to show all
showTableHeader: true, // Toggle formatting the first row as a table header
plainText: true // Strip out any extra HTML and just keep the plain text content
Go to the module’s folder inside MagicMirror modules folder and pull the latest version from GitHub and install:
git pull
npm install