compiled with c3c 0.6.7 (Pre-release, Jan 21 2025 19:52:00)
c3docgen v.0.1.4
program to generate documents from c3 source files.
c3docgen [mono] [verbose] [-h] [--help]
mono will generate a single file with all the modules. this is the only way to ensure all contidional modules and modules that have the same name will be scanned for documentation.
verbose will give more information on which files are being scanned and which definitions are found by the scanner.
will search for all .c3 files and create documents from sources. by default, it will generate separate .md files for each module. modules separate by multiple files will be concatenated into a single file.
there are limitations to using multiple files. if you have modules in the project folder that have the same name, only 1 file will be generated for that module which will likely be the first one encountered in the scan.
documentation consists of using <* *> pairs. the opening pair must be aligned with the beginning of a line, or they are ignored and treated like normal text. the closing pair should likewise be on a new line for consistency.
functions and macros that are not documented will still be added to the output document.
to add documents to a top level file (a module), there should be only one per module.
my module works in mysterious ways.
module my_module;
this will generate:
my module works in mysterious ways.
the following
my_func does some things with with arguments.
@param count `the number of things to do`
@return! MyFuncError.NULL
@return `the number of things done`
fn usz! my_func (usz count)
return result;
will generate:
my_func does some things with with arguments.
@param count `the number of things to do`
@return! MyFuncError.NULL
@return `the number of things done`
the documents in the /docs folder are generated by this program.