Hi, I'm Andrés Álvarez, an aspiring developer and data scientist who loves to take on new and existing projects that challenge his analytical and technological capacities. Passionate about data science, with excellent leadership, organizational, and teamwork skills. Experienced in setting clear goals and delivering results in high-pressure environments. Proficient in database management and data analysis to provide relevant and actionable recommendations.
🔧 What I Do:
- Data Sciene student.
- Large project deployments.
- Data analysis and manipulation.
💡 What Sets Me Apart:
- A global and open mindset, loving to colaborate and build teams.
- Agile advocate, adapting quickly to changing requirements.
- Problem-solving is my passion, and I love a good coding challenge.
- Dedication and eagerness to learn.
🖥️ Some of My Projects:
- Dask introduction - GitHub
- Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe - GitHub
- Puzzle Solver (Evolutionary Algorithm) - GitHub
- Lottery Prices Dataset Analysis - Github
- Personal Page - GitHub
I'm always open to exciting projects, collaboration, and new opportunities.
📈 Stats: