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Setup Jenkins, Gitlab, Redis and Understand on Docker and create dynamic jobs using Jenkins-DSL plugin.


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This DevOps application workflow automates continuous integration and analysis of software applications.

Salient Features

  • Gitlab server to implement scalable Git-based fully integrated platform for software development, with Jenkins integration
  • Used Understand tool for static code analysis of repositories extracted from Github into Gitlab
  • Suggests list of files to be retested based on last commit
  • Test coverage reports using Jenkins Jacoco
  • Redis for storing issue list of a repository

Process Flow

  1. Based on input query, fetch top 3 repositories from GitHub using GitHub Developer API
  2. Clone these respositories into GitLab server using JGit
  3. Generate new jobs in Jenkins automatically using DSL Plugin for each of above cloned GitLab repository.
    • Each of these jobs has configured build steps.
    • Every job has builds scheduled every 15 minutes, unless triggered by a commit, in which case the build happens before the 15-minute timeout
  4. On every build, a call to Understand is triggered to fetch a list of files dependent on the files changed in the most recent commit. The union of both these lists serves as the list of files to be retested by the developers, thus providing a level of insight.
  5. Update issues of each repository to Redis storage

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • System must have Docker installed
  • Docker must not have any running containers. Also there must be no stopped/exited containers with the name "jenkins" or "gitlab"
  • Github repository must be of "master" branch
  • Must have registered email address with Understand license key


There are 2 ways to install this:

  • Automatically by script provided

    1. Download entire project zip of Amrish_Jhaveri_Chinmay_Gangal_hw1_CS540 and extract all contents

    2. If my-jenkins_home.tgz is not present inside DockerImages/Jenkins/ then only download the file from this location : Jenkins_home and place it in DockerImages\Jenkins inside the above extracted project.

    3. In Docker terminal, go to the path of the parent directory of the above extracted structure.

    4. Run the setup file using the command:


    This should get everything setup automatically in a few minutes.

    If there is an existing gitlab image gitlab/gitlab:9.1.0-ce.0, this would expedite the setup. Otherwise the setup file would download it directly.

  • Manually

    Refer to the file for detailed steps regarding manual installation

To verify installation, do the following:

  • In Docker terminal, type docker-machine ip to know the IP address of your Docker virtual machine. This is your

  • Go to your browser, and access the url in this format: <docker-ip>:9080, then use credentias provided below to login. This should lead you to the Jenkins homepage, where you would see 1 job created: "Git_to_Gitlab"


  • Also open another url in this format: <docker-ip>:30080. This should lead you to the Gitlab homepage. Login with credentials specified below


System Username Password
Jenkins admin 123456789
Gitlab root 123456789

Sample Run and Output

For a sample run and the screenshots of the output, you can open the following link:


Changing Configuration

  1. Number of projects to be downloaded can be configured inside Jenkins Git_to_Gitlab Job shell configuration.

    java -jar CloneRepo.jar 3 ./java-full-data.json ../output-project-names.json ../output-repo-issue-links.json ../

    The parameter 3 can be changed to -1 to download all the repos present in the json downloaded from Github API i.e. 30.

  2. The URL for downloading the projects from Github can be customized:

    curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$LANGUAGE+license:mit+size:%3C=10000&type=Repositories&sort=stars&order=desc" > java-full-data.json

    This downloades the project metadata in json format for a Maven project with Java as a language, license as MIT and size <= 10MB.

    Change the URL accoridng to your needs.


  • Must wait for a few minutes for GitLab server to be up & ready

  • IP address conflict for containers.

    It is assumed that there are no running containers, hence the IPs, and would not be allocated to any container. These would be used by the Jenkins, GitLab and Redis containers respectively.

Running the tests

  1. Jacoco reports for Maven projects downloaded from Github is present inside the Project specific Jenkins Job.
  2. Understand reports can be seen in the console of the jenkins project build as described.

Future Scope

  • Customized Understand reports for project metrics

  • Expand number of repositories retrieved from GitHub by Pagination with GitHub API.

    Currently, a maximum of 30 projects can be fetched from GitHub in a single API call. To increase this size, pagination would have to be incorporated.

  • Trigger issue storage of Redis on every commit instead of one-time.

    The existing mechanism triggers issue storage on Redis database only on the 1st build after the setup.

  • Assigning dynamic container IP for GitLab

    The current version allocates specific IP for GitLab. Instead, this would be assigned dynamically based on IP availability depending on any other running containers.

Built With

  • Docker - Serves as platform for various application containers
  • Jenkins - Server to automate building, testing and deploying software
  • GitLab - fully featured Git Server which can be installed on your system.
  • Understand - Tool for static code analysis
  • Redis - In-memory data structure support for database & cache
  • JGit - Java API for GIT commands



Setup Jenkins, Gitlab, Redis and Understand on Docker and create dynamic jobs using Jenkins-DSL plugin.








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