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Angular Material and PHP MYSQL App
[Click here for Video Tutorials !]


In this Project, We will build a mobile App for one of our client MNJIC.
We will develop this app for Android devices and will register this on Google Play.

Business Requirement:

MNJIC already has a PHP application using MYSQL database. Client maintain (add,edit and delete) a list of Students IDs, their Names, Scores with Session IDs in PHP.
For their mobile, they only to display a list of merit students information in their app.


We will using Angular, Angular Materials Data Table for UI. PHP and MYSQL for backend.
Also, we will try to use Ionic Capactiory new release to create a mobile app from Angular Codebase.
We will also try to use Apache Cordova for the same purpose as a back up plan.

Let's Get Started

I assume you already have a successful Angular Development environment already setup and if not, please visit

Angular Development Environment Setup
Angular Material Setup

Develpment Tasks:

Step 1: Setup Angular App

VSCODE > Terminal > node -v // show current node version installed
npm -v // show current npm version
ng -v // show current Angular-Cli version
ng new MNJIC --routing // create a new ng app

Clean up tasks:

copy over favicon.ico in assets/icon directory
update index.html to reflect new favicon.ico changes
update polyfill.json
- In case of using web animations or if you are planning to support older browser versions.
and in case of adding a polyfill, please make sure to npm install related package for chosen polyfill.

update gitignore file

- Please include files/folder which you do not wish to include to Git Repository like < dist > or < node_modules > folder OR environment.ts, etc

update Angular-cli.json settings

"prefix": "app"
get rid of "app" prefix, otherwise, this setting will prefix, all selector with this string, like FooterComponent will have selector = app-footer

Step 2: Install Angular Materials

npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdk @angular/animations hammerjs

Step 3. Include a theme

add this to styles.css or copy this over to assets/css directory

@import "~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css";
ng serve

Step 4. Google Material Icons

< link href="" rel="stylesheet" >

create custom material module

ng g module shared/custommaterial

copy below content to custom.material.ts file

update app.module.ts

to include ElishCustomMaterialModule in IMPORT section
(add to IMPORT section)

Now You have all Angular Material dependencies installed.

Define Website Content and requirements

This website will need a top tool bar.

Top tool bar should also include a mat-icon and header/title text for the page being displayed in middle.
At right most side of tool bar, it should include mat-icons for email, settings and social icon for contact.

All mat-icons must have a tool tip displayed

At the bottom of the page, a footer needs to be included.
This footer will have copyright statement and include all navigation links for SEO rendering.

Now it's time to add header and footer components
create a new footer

ng g component shared/footer

update footer.html with this text
copyright 2018, [email protected]

update app.component.html file and include at last
< footer >< /footer >

ng serve

at this point to make sure, app displays footer statement and is running fine.

Open app.component.ts and
Include tool bar code
Include material icons
Fix, person_add mat-icon to include links from social plugin at right

register a new custom svgicon
in case of error, include HttpClientModule

ng g service services/backend

Create a Data Table and get all fields from mock.json
Later will replace this mock.json from backend PHP/MYSQL back

host PHP API Code to support data fetch

fetch PHP data in Angular Material Data Table

Now, we can replace mock-date in json with real PHP API

Include mock-data.json

Include Mat_Data into app.component.html

Feed Mat_Data from data-service

point data-service to php data feed


Angular Material Data table and PHP MYSQL App






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