After creating a staking chain, it is vital to distribute staking coins across all 64 segids. If there is not at least one UTXO staking in each segid, this may give someone the ability to 51% attack the chain. This can be done easily using this repo.
Docker/Docker CE installed
python3 and requests installed
sudo apt-get install python3
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
pip3 install requests
Komodod installed and running. This tutorial assumes you have already created a Proof of Stake chain, and you have a node running on the computer you're using. Please see this tutorial if you have not already.
The first step is to create the docker image. Run
git clone
cd dockersegid
sudo docker build -t komodod .
Edit the
file to the appropriate RPC settings for the node you will be generating the addresses from. You will also be funding all 64 segid addresses from this node, so it must have a balance. The RPC settings can be found in ~/.komodod/<CHAINNAME>/<CHAINNAME>.conf
. The IP should not be changed unless you are running the node from a separate computer. If you are running the node on a separate computer, ensure that the RPC port is open.
Edit the
file. Set PASSWD to a long string of random characters. Set SEEDIP to the IP of the node the docker nodes will connect to. The node the docker nodes will connect to must have its p2p port open. Edit the ac_parameters
to match the parameters of your chain. Make sure you have every ac_parameter
you would use to start a typical node on your chain including -addnode
. For example the default setting for this repo is for this chain ./komodod -ac_name=STAKETEST -ac_supply=10000000 -ac_reward=1000000000 -ac_staked=90
Edit the kmdcli
script. Change ac_name
to fit your chain and -rpcpassword
to the same value as PASSWD
set in
Stop your node's daemon and rename the wallet.dat
cd ~/komodo/src
./komodo-cli -ac_name=<CHAINNAME> stop
mv ~/.komodo/<CHAINNAME>/wallet.dat ~/.komodo/<CHAINNAME>/wallet.dat.bk
Running the ./generateaddresses
script will generate up to a couple hundred addresses and should not be done on a wallet.dat you plan to continually use. Restart the node and ensure that it is running with a newly created wallet.dat.
cd ~/dockersegid
./ >
Check that it generated the file
properly. This file is the basis for the scripts, and it's vital that it is the correct format. This file is an array including an address with corresponding pubkey/privkey for each segid in the format [segid, pubkey, privkey, address]
After verifying was created properly, stop the node, delete the wallet.dat, rename the other wallet.dat and restart the node
cd ~/komodo/src
./komodo-cli -ac_name=<CHAINNAME> stop
rm ~/.komodo/<CHAINNAME>/wallet.dat
mv ~/.komodo/<CHAINNAME>/wallet.dat.bk ~/.komodo/<CHAINNAME>/wallet.dat
Now restart the node and go back to the repo's directory. cd ~/dockersegid
Run sudo ./launchcontainers
Wait for each to launch.
Run sudo ./importprivkey
This will import the private key to each docker container's node.
Run ./sendmany64 100
. This will send 100 coins to each docker node's komodod. Change 100
to how ever many coins you would like each docker container to stake.
You can check that each node received these coins by running sudo ./kmdcliall "getbalance"
. This kmdcliall
script can be used to send any komodod-cli commands to all 64 nodes at once. To send a command to a specific node, use the sudo ./kmdcli
. For example to send a getbalance command to the segid40 node, you would use sudo ./kmdcli 40 "getbalance"
Once you have confirmed that each node has received coins, run sudo ./kmdcliall "setgenerate true 0"
As soon as the coins are eligible to stake all 64 nodes will begin to stake.