Releases: Aliharu/Foundry-Ex3
- The way sorcerous motes work have been changed. You can now track the mote requirement of spells during casting
- "Spending" a spell now spends its willpower cost (-1 because the system assumes you cast the spell)
- "Spend item" has been replaced on spells with a mote cost (non-rituals) with "Cast Item"
- When you cast a spell it uses the willpower cost and becomes your active spell displaying what you are currently casting. You can continue casting the spell by clicking the cast button again or using the sorcery button in the combat tab. You can also stop casting a spell which will reset your motes.
- Successfully casting a spell refunds 1 willpower (if not crashed) and resets your sorcerous motes. The 3 mote cost increase for being crashed is also taken into account.
Active Effects
- Added aiming to effects list. No mechanical effect due to the complexities of the action.
- Added some descriptions to certain effects telling their mechanical bonuses
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with labels on roll settings not showing up correctly
- Fixed issue where having 0 initiative would cause certain automations to not work.
- Willpower rolls should no longer be treated as Rout checks.
- Sorcerous workings should now use the roll settings for sorcery
Character Creator
- Lunar favored/excellency attributes now work correctly
- Fixed issue with spirit shape and tell not working
- The random ability assigner now puts the high numbers in favored abilities first
- Fixed some bugs where deleting items would cause the various lists to enter a broken state
- The attribute and abilities lists should now work better and not bug out as often
- Added a Confirm popup if you hit the close button
- You can now delete charms form the ability/attribute sublists
Dice Roller
- Added "armorpenalty" to the formulas
- Fixed issue where accuracy rolls would display the missed attack message in addition to the dice roll message.
- If "Success Modifier" is added while the dialogue is in "Damage Mode" on an attack it will subtract from the attack successes
- Fixed issue where when attacking multiple targets with Split attacks it was using 1 roll for each targets Attack Successes. Attack Successes are now divided on each target and editable on each target individually
- Dice Caps now properly use the attack accuracy for NPC attacks
Character Sheet
-Fixed bug where recover motes was not working
Template Importer
-Charms with no ability now default to "universal" instead of evocation if the charm type is not evocation
-Mental/Physical/Social Attribute added to "Previous Num Charms"
Character Builder
-Maiden charms now properly take into account prereqs and if they have a favored/unfavored cost
Template Importer
-Importing Weapons/Armor is now better at filling out data for artifacts. If the block with the stats, hearthstone slots, and attunement are inputted it will properly set artifact status, tag, and hearthstone slots.
-Added a new option "Hearthstone". Will work like item but set the field to artifact and give the item a different icon.
Dice Roller
-Target Defense Penalty added as a dice roller option for charms
-Fixed bug where certain labels were not showing up in the dice roller
-Fixed bug where unhorse was not correctly applying the "prone" condition
-Fixed issue where Gambit Difficulty field would not show up in the interface if the character had a target
-Added an option to enable gambits that exist in Essence but not in Exalted Third Edition. Knockback,Knockdwn,Pilfer,Pull, and Reveal Weakness
Martial Arts
-Various fields have been added to the 'customability' for martial arts. Weapons, Armor and nature (for SMA).
Character Builder
-Now filters Martial Arts by armor availability.
Template Importer
-New type "Martial Arts" this is for importing the header section for martial arts including the things like description and weapon/armor proficiencies. The new fields are automatically set.
-Any combat ability has been added to the alt prerequisites section. will use archery, brawl, melee, thrown, and war as the abilities for the prereqs.
-"X previous" charms have been added to the prereqs. For things like "4 Occult charms"
Character Sheet
-Icons have been changed for resetting motes when not in edit mode
-The calculator icon for health is replaced with an info for wounds if not in edit mode.
-Experience now uses spent/Available rather than remaining/available. The add XP macro built into the system has been updated to account for this
-Abyssal advancement chart now shows up in the advancement dialogue
-Flaw type has been added to the merits item
-Under the abilities/attributes. It will now tell you the cost of increasing that ability while in edit mode.
-Removed homebrew "Flat XP" and added "Universal advancement" from crucible in options.
Combat Tracker
-The "Roll All" and "Roll NPCs" buttons work correctly with double 10s again (broken in last patch) and now properly shows the dice rolled.
-You can now in the colors dialogue change the color and icon of the "Begin Turn" icon in the combat tracker.
Double Tens formula
-To get the "Roll All" button working with new v12 dice rolls. A new formula has been added to implement "Double successes". use "ds". So for example a basic roll of 2 dice would be /r 2d10cs>=7ds>=10. With this you can now manually enter in dice rolls in the chatbox if you desire.
Bug Fixes
-Added missing options to the charm ability select
-Added a "None" field for alt prerequisite ability list
Journal Cascades
-Martial arts and Evocations will now be populated in character mode. They use the same logic as the character creator for determining availability.
Dice Roller
-Grapple Control Rounds added to costs list
Archetype on Rituals/Sorcery Merits
-You can add a text field for rituals and sorcery merits designating their archetype so for example "Bargain with Mara"
-The Character creator will filter sorcery rituals based on which archetype you have chosen for you ritual
Character Creator
-In addition to the archetype additions above import items will now filter merits by type.
Alternate Rules
-Alternate Rule options have been added for the "Steady" Action from crucible and Simple Crafting
Character Creator
-Characters made in the character creator should now have their items properly work for the import button (This will not fix existing characters)
-Sidereals will now be created with a Target Number altering charm similar to the others.
Alternate Prerequisites (Archetype)
-Support for alternate prereqs have been added to charms in the other tab
-These will function as a secondary prereq and ill show up in the charm imports if they are a valid charm to take. Should work in charm cards and the import button for charms.
-The template importer will automatically populate these fields for Lunar Archetype charms.
Charm Cards
-There is now an option to use simple text instead of links when making cards.
Minor Changes
-The import button should now properly populate Martial Arts and Evocation Charms similar to the character creator (Characters made in the character creator may not see them still, see the character creator notes)
-The ability select for charms has been changed to be more readable
Bug Fixes
-Fixed issue where importing charms into the character sheet would not count for charm prerequisites when importing additional charms
-Made some slight wording changes to the advancement dialogue
Dice Roller
-Can make "Trigger on 10s" also trigger on 9s. Same with "Trigger on 1s" and twos
-Fixed a bug where "Trigger on 10s" for damage was using the cap from the normal trigger on 10s
-Trigger on 10s was previously not triggering when the 10 die was "rerolled". This will no longer happen unless the die was rerolled due to "Reroll Successes"
Character Builder
-The ox-body input should now show up for dragonblooded
-The Importer should be a bit smarter about single line items
-The importer will now correctly find the newly formatted shaping rituals in statblocks
Character Creator
-Tell, Spirit Shape, and the Sidereal signs have been added as options
Dice Roller
-Reroll Successes has been added as a dice option as as an opposed charm bonus. This will cause one of your successful dice to be rerolled starting with (Lowest success number default 7) going up.
-"Auto Defense Stunt" and wound penalties should probably work now.
Other Changes
-Training times will show up even if you have the unified xp option enabled
-Fix an issue with missing sidereal signs