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# Elite Quiz App ```shell Get the packages flutter pub get ``` #### To get the current SHA keys of the app. - Run the app at least once in android (real or emulator). - After that go to android folder and run the gradlew command. ```shell cd android ./gradlew :app:signingReport ``` - You will see different variants of SHA keys. debug, release, profile etc. - Now, which one is being used depends on which signingConfig we have set in android/app/build.gradle, you can find more about this in app [documentation]( - Copy the correct variants both SHA keys and add in your firebase project. ## If Running the app for IoS, do this before ```shell cd ios pod install cd .. ``` ```shell Run the app flutter run ``` ```shell Build App Bundle flutter build appbundle --release open build/app/outputs/bundle/release/ ``` ```shell Build Apk flutter build apk --split-per-abi ``` ### Full project Clean up. Warning: after this you will have to start over the setup. ```shell rm -rf \ .dart_tool \ .flutter-plugins \ .flutter-plugins-dependencies \ .idea \ .metadata \ android/.gradle \ android/app/google-services.json \ build \ ios/.symlinks \ ios/Podfile.lock \ ios/Pods \ ios/Runner/GoogleService-Info.plist \ ios/build \ ios/firebase_app_id_file.json \ lib/firebase_options.dart \ pubspec.lock ``` #### To build the release version of the app (for Play Store) Note: Steps with images are given in [documentation]( - you will need to first create a new keystore for the app. - And sign the app with it, also add the SHA keys (of keystore) in firebase. - After that check if login works fine. - then you can create a release version of the app bundle to submit. - Make sure you are using correct app version (you can change it from pubspec.yaml then run flutter pub get) ```shell flutter build appbundle --release ``` - This you can publish to the Play Store Release.# Quiz-app


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