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Altair Test

Investigating NavOps deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Steps for deployment:

  1. Create a public-private key pair to facilitate SSH access to the management instance.
    1. Issue ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "navops-mgmt-id" -f $HOME/.ssh/navops-mgmt-id-rsa at a command line. Use a strong passphrase for the key and store it securely.
  2. Create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform, named navops-project.
    1. Add the public key from step 1 to the Project Metadata.
  3. Create a new service account in the navops-project.
    1. Assign roles Compute Image User and Compute Admin. See NavOps documentation for more details.
    2. Create a JSON key for the service account.
    3. Download the JSON key into the folder containing the present scripts.
    4. On Google Cloud Console inspect the Dashboard of the navops-project and make a note of the ID.
    5. Use the gcloud CLI to log into the service account created above, using the downloaded JSON key: Run gcloud config set account navops-service-account@navops-project-<project id> in a terminal, where <project id> was noted in step 3.iv above.
    6. Run gcloud auth login in a terminal, and complete the authentication in the browser window when prompted.
    7. Run gcloud auth list in a terminal to list the authetication details and verify you are logged into the project.
  4. Enable Compute Engine API in the Google Cloud Platform for navops-project.
  5. Create the necessary firewall rules.
    1. Run script navops-mgmt/
  6. Create the NavOps management instance on GCP.
    1. Run script navops-mgmt/ Make a note of the management instance IP, it will be used in the next step.
    2. Edit ~/.ssh/config to facilitate remote SSH access into the instance. The following template is recommended:
    Host altairTest
      ServerAliveInterval 20
      UseKeychain yes
      AddKeysToAgent yes
      HostName <management instance IP>
      User navops-mgmt-id
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/navops-mgmt-id-rsa
    The <management instance IP> must be changed to the IP returned in step 8.i
  7. Copy NavOps deployment files onto management instance
    1. Run script Note the script uses the ssh configuration from step 8.ii.
  8. Log on the management instance.
  9. Run the commands given in script on the management instance, while crosss checking with NavOps installation documentation.


Code for investigating NavOps deployment on GCP






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