Investigating NavOps deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
Steps for deployment:
- Create a public-private key pair to facilitate SSH access to the management instance.
- Issue
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "navops-mgmt-id" -f $HOME/.ssh/navops-mgmt-id-rsa
at a command line. Use a strong passphrase for the key and store it securely.
- Issue
- Create a new project in the Google Cloud Platform, named
.- Add the public key from step 1 to the Project Metadata.
- Create a new service account in the
.- Assign roles
Compute Image User
andCompute Admin
. See NavOps documentation for more details. - Create a JSON key for the service account.
- Download the JSON key into the folder containing the present scripts.
- On Google Cloud Console inspect the Dashboard of the
and make a note of the ID. - Use the gcloud CLI to log into the service account created above, using the downloaded JSON key: Run
gcloud config set account navops-service-account@navops-project-<project id>
in a terminal, where<project id>
was noted in step 3.iv above. - Run
gcloud auth login
in a terminal, and complete the authentication in the browser window when prompted. - Run
gcloud auth list
in a terminal to list the authetication details and verify you are logged into the project.
- Assign roles
- Enable Compute Engine API in the Google Cloud Platform for
. - Create the necessary firewall rules.
- Run script
- Run script
- Create the NavOps management instance on GCP.
- Run script
. Make a note of the management instance IP, it will be used in the next step. - Edit
to facilitate remote SSH access into the instance. The following template is recommended:
TheHost altairTest ServerAliveInterval 20 UseKeychain yes AddKeysToAgent yes HostName <management instance IP> User navops-mgmt-id IdentityFile ~/.ssh/navops-mgmt-id-rsa
<management instance IP>
must be changed to the IP returned in step 8.i - Run script
- Copy NavOps deployment files onto management instance
- Run script
. Note the script uses the ssh configuration from step 8.ii.
- Run script
- Log on the management instance.
- Run the commands given in script
on the management instance, while crosss checking with NavOps installation documentation.