summer-community is a community- based system of simple
SSH framework , providing registration , published blog , upload photos, send a small piece of paper , upload files , the site features such as personalized exchange community .
summer-community use MyEclipse development. If you want
to see results. Please take the project into MyEclipse .
Then take these steps:
step 1: Build the Database(use mysql);
sqls: webroot/WEB-INF/sql/SQL*.sql
step 2: Change the hibernate.cfg.xml
connection.url : jdbc:mysql://localhost:YOURPORT/YOURDATABASES;
connection.username: YOUR_USER_NAME
connection.password: YOUR_PASSWORD
step 3: import jdbc into your projects
step 4: import the SSH libs into your projects
step 5: enjoy it!
1. main.page
3. photo
If you have any questions, Please Contact Aleda([email protected] | aleda.cn).