An app for tranfering files in a local network between desktop devices
- Automatically connect to other sockets on the LAN
- Send multiple files at the same time
- Ultra high transfer speeds* since it is over the LAN
- Just run and that's all
- Connect from any desktop platform! (MAC OS, Windows and Linux)
*Limited by the socket with the lowest speed connection
Dashboard when there's no sockets on the LAN
Dashboard when there are sockets connected on the lan
You can help me donating in buymeacoffee here
Download and excecute the socket-beta-setup-win32-x64.exe file, when asked choose to do an installation for the local user (otherwise you must run as administrator each time you launch the app).
Download and extract the file, open a terminal and enter the folder extracted, then run ./socket
Download and install the socket-beta-debian-x64.deb file, in this case due to an error you must edit the owner of the /usr/lib/socket/resources/app/ files to your own user using -chown
Download and unzip the file, then drag the socket app to your applications folder. (Socket is only available on Apple Silicon, but if you want the intel version you can clone this repo and package it yourself).