Getting and Cleaning Data. Course project
This repository contains the R code for the course project of the Coursera MOOC Getting-and-Cleaning-Data. It downloads a Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set from the web ( and after some processing returns a tidy table with the main variables.
For details about variables check
Brief description of the code
1 - Cleaning the workspace 2 - Downloading the dataset from the web and unzipping in a created directory 3 - Reading the downloaded tables y combining them in new tables (deleting old tables that won't be used anymore) 4 - Reading variable names y activity labels from downloaded txt file 5 - Creating a big data set with all the data and naming the columns 6 - Selecting the desired variables and creating a new dataset only with the selected variables 7 - Changing variable names for more suitable names 8 - Calculating the mean of each subset of the data 9 - Writing a txt file with the tidy data 10 - Cleaning the workspace, only keeping the tidy table