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Build and test with latest Vivaldi release #1067

Build and test with latest Vivaldi release

Build and test with latest Vivaldi release #1067

Workflow file for this run

name: Build
run-name: Build and test with latest Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }}
description: 'Vivaldi build type'
required: true
default: 'release'
type: choice
- release
- snapshot
description: 'Whether to test the latest Vivaldi "release" or "snapshot" version'
required: true
default: 'release'
type: string
BUILD_TYPE: ${{ inputs.buildType }}
runs-on: windows-latest
timeout-minutes: 10
- name: Find MSBuild
uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v2
- name: Clone
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Read Vivaldi versions of existing test data
id: existing-test-data
run: |
$existingVersion = (Get-Content .\Tests\Data\vivaldi-${{ inputs.buildType }}-version.txt -TotalCount 1).Trim()
Out-File -InputObject "EXISTING_VERSION=$existingVersion" -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append -Encoding UTF8
Write-Output "Repository's existing test data is from Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} $existingVersion"
- name: Check for latest Vivaldi version
id: latest-version
run: |
$sparkleUrl = if ("${{ inputs.buildType }}" -eq "snapshot") {
} else {
$sparkleXml = $(Invoke-WebRequest $sparkleUrl).Content
$sparkleEnclosure = ($sparkleXml | Select-Xml -XPath "/rss/channel/item/enclosure").Node
$latestVersion = (Select-Xml -Xml $sparkleEnclosure -XPath "@sparkle:version" -Namespace @{"sparkle" = ""}).Node.Value
$downloadUrl = (Select-Xml -Xml $sparkleEnclosure -XPath "@url").Node.Value
Out-File -InputObject "LATEST_VERSION=$latestVersion" -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append -Encoding UTF8
Out-File -InputObject "DOWNLOAD_URL=$downloadUrl" -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append -Encoding UTF8
Write-Output "Latest Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} version is $latestVersion"
Write-Output "Latest Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} can be downloaded from $downloadUrl"
- name: Download Vivaldi
run: |
Write-Output "Downloading Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} $env:LATEST_VERSION from $env:DOWNLOAD_URL"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:DOWNLOAD_URL -OutFile vivaldi-installer.exe
- name: Install Vivaldi
run: |
Write-Output "Installing Vivaldi in silent standalone mode"
Start-Process -FilePath .\vivaldi-installer.exe -ArgumentList @(`
'--vivaldi-install-dir="${{ github.workspace }}\vivaldi-installation"',
) -Wait
- name: Compare existing and latest version numbers
run: |
Out-File -InputObject "UP_TO_DATE=$isUpToDate" -FilePath $env:GITHUB_ENV -Append -Encoding UTF8
If ($isUpToDate) {
Write-Output "::notice title=No Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} update::Test data was already up-to-date with the latest Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} version ($env:LATEST_VERSION)."
} Else {
Write-Output "::notice title=Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} update released::The latest Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} version ($env:LATEST_VERSION) is higher than the existing test data version ($env:EXISTING_VERSION)."
Out-File -InputObject "### Updated to Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} $env:LATEST_VERSION" -FilePath $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Append -Encoding UTF8
- name: Copy installation files into test data
run: |
Copy-Item -Force -Path @(`
) -Destination .\Tests\Data\${{ inputs.buildType }}\BundleScript\
Write-Output "Updated bundle.js and background-bundle.js in ${{ inputs.buildType }} test data"
- name: Update version number in test data
run: |
Out-File -InputObject $env:LATEST_VERSION -FilePath .\Tests\Data\vivaldi-${{ inputs.buildType }}-version.txt -Encoding UTF8
Write-Output "Marked ${{ inputs.buildType }} test data as coming from Vivaldi $env:LATEST_VERSION"
- name: Commit and push new test data
uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9
HOME: "~" # get rid of a benign warning
add: ./Tests/Data
message: Update test data for Vivaldi ${{ inputs.buildType }} ${{ env.LATEST_VERSION }}
pathspec_error_handling: exitImmediately
author_name: Ben Hutchison
author_email: [email protected]
committer_name: GitHub Actions
committer_email: 41898282+github-actions[bot]
push: true
- name: Restore solution
run: msbuild -p:Configuration=Release -t:restore -p:RestoreLockedMode=true
- name: Build solution
run: msbuild -p:Configuration=Release -t:build -m
# Tests uses the BUILD_TYPE environment variable to load the correct files, as set at the top of this file. See the DataReader class.
- name: Smoke test tweaks
run: dotnet test Tests --filter DisplayName~SmokeTests --configuration Release --no-build --verbosity normal
- name: Smoke test Vivaldi startup
run: |
echo "Tweaking standalone installation"
Start-Process -FilePath ".\VivaldiCustomLauncher\bin\Release\VivaldiCustomLauncher.exe" -ArgumentList @(`
'--vivaldi-application-directory="${{ github.workspace }}\vivaldi-installation\Application"',
) -Wait
echo "Tweaks applied, starting Vivaldi"
$vivaldiProcess = Start-Process -FilePath .\vivaldi-installation\Application\vivaldi.exe -ArgumentList @("--enable-logging", "--v=1") -PassThru
echo "Started Vivaldi with PID $($vivaldiProcess.Id)"
$debugLogFile = '.\vivaldi-installation\User Data\chrome_debug.log'
$deadline = [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(3)
while([DateTime]::Now -lt $deadline) {
$logContents = Get-Content $debugLogFile -ErrorAction Ignore
$consoleError = $logContents | where { $_ -like "*:ERROR:CONSOLE(*" } | select -First 1
if($consoleError.Length -gt 0){
Stop-Process $vivaldiProcess
Write-Output "::error title=Failed to start Vivaldi::Error in Vivaldi console: $consoleError"
exit 1
} elseif(($logContents | where { $_ -like "*JS init startup:*" } | select -first 1).Length -gt 0){
Stop-Process $vivaldiProcess
Write-Output "Vivaldi started successfully with no console errors"
exit 0
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Stop-Process $vivaldiProcess
Write-Output "::error title=Failed to start Vivaldi::Timed out"
exit 1
- name: Upload artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: VivaldiCustomLauncher-${{ inputs.buildType }}
path: VivaldiCustomLauncher\bin\Release\*.exe
if-no-files-found: error