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📝 Description

Built with React, Next.js. Written in TypeScript, CSS, JavaScript.

✨ Features

List your project's features here.

🔧 Technologies Used

  • TypeScript
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Next.js

📦 Installation

git clone
cd FakeStake
npm install

📂 Project Structure

├── app
│   ├── (games)
│   │   ├── layout.tsx
│   │   ├── mines
│   │   │   ├── page.tsx
│   │   ├── rocket
│   │   │   ├── page.tsx
│   ├── _components
│   │   ├── ConfigComponent.tsx
│   │   ├── ConfigForRocket.tsx
│   │   ├── Footer.tsx
│   │   ├── GameCard.tsx
│   │   ├── GridComponent.tsx
│   │   ├── Navbar.tsx
│   │   ├── RocketComponent.tsx
│   │   ├── ui
│   │   │   ├── Modal.tsx
│   ├── _constants
│   │   ├── data.js
│   ├── _lib
│   │   ├── utils.ts
│   ├── _store
│   │   ├── commonStore.ts
│   │   ├── configStore.ts
│   │   ├── gridStore.ts
│   │   ├── rocketConfig.ts
│   ├── globals.css
│   ├── layout.tsx
│   ├── page.tsx
├── package.json
├── public
│   ├── assets

🚀 How to Use

Instructions on how to use the project.

🤝 Contribution

  1. Fork the repository!
  2. Clone your fork: git clone<your-username>/FakeStake.git
  3. Create your feature/fix branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  4. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  5. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  6. Submit a pull request :D

Contributors ✨

Thanks go to these wonderful people 😇

Akshay Gore
Lohit M Kudlannavar

Support ❤

If you like this project, please consider giving it a ⭐️ on GitHub! Would you like me to explain or elaborate on any part of this README?