ItemFrames that contain a HoneyBottle put a nearby entity in a SpawnEgg!!
- 1.18
For the following versions, please check Releases on the right.
- 1.15.x
- 1.16
- 1.16.1
- 1.16.2
- 1.16.3
- 1.17.x
- プレイヤー/player
- 額縁/item_frame
- 絵画/painting
- 残留ポーションのもやもや/area_effect_cloud
- ガストの火球/fireball
- ブレイズの火球/small_fireball
- エンダードラゴンの球/dragon_fireball
- ウィザーの球/wither_skull
- コマンドブロック入りトロッコ/command_block_minecart
- スポナー入りトロッコ/spawner_minecart
- 落下中のブロック/falling_sand
- トロッコ/minecart
- ボート/boat
Place the datapack in the "datapacks" folder in the save data folder of your world.
Just disable or remove this datapack to uninstall because scoreboards/teams/entities/blocks are not used.
These codes are released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.