Opinionated Minimal React Boilerplate that I use in my personal projects
- React v16 w HMR support
- Redux v4 w Redux thunk
- React Router v4
- SCSS Preprocessor
- Native fetch api polyfilled with the tiny unfetch polyfill (Notice: this pollyfil doesn't cover all use cases check their repo if you have complex use case)
- Jest & Enzmy for testing
- Precommit Hook that format the code on commit
- Ant Design UI Library, you can replace it with your library of choice
- Theme Reset & Base theme based on 8 points grid system
npm install
npm run dev
oryarn dev
Once the server starts, Browse to localhost:3000
and start developing!
The app uses Hot module replecment so it updates without having to reload the browser.
npm run build
oryarn build
This will create a "public" directory in the root of the project. It will contains the index.html along with the minified and gzipped assets, ready for production.