Well, I stopped soon after starting the research on this. I realized although most of the stuff happening actually uses OK APIs for things there are no good integrations. web3.py does not have the right tools and there are no wrappers even for simple things (and what if I don't want to use walletconnect/metamask APIs and what to connect to my own backend directly?)
I had a few ideas for business logic but my core premise failed (there's no easy way to connect your regular wallet without using a bunch of JS - with that it's already been done, I've seen examples) and I'll be looking into hacking backend intergrations rather than bothering with apps for now. It's allright, didn't actually expect prizes anyway. Leave it for the brigthest and youngest hackers - those need it more, I'll survive somehow. What I really need is a way to transofrm my frustration with the tooling into creative momentum. I'm already starting planning a library and a couple simple tools to challenge the whole way we look at dapps right now but maybe I'll fail at that too, 95% of my bright ideas never see developments, the downside of wild imagination.
Thanks for the dinner and company, really needed that.