SDRAN-in-a-Box (RiaB) is a SD-RAN cluster which is able to operate within a single host machine It provides a development/test environment for developers/users in ONF SD-RAN community. RiaB deploys SD-RAN infrastructure - the EPC (OMEC), emulated RAN (CU/DU/UE), and ONOS RAN Intelligent Controller (ONOS RIC) services - over Kubernetes. On top of the SD-RAN infrastructure, we can conduct end-to-end tests in terms of the user plane and the SD-RAN control plane.
- Installs Kubernetes and Helm that are the required infrastructure for SD-RAN services
- Provides one of three choices to emulate/simulate Radio Access Networks (RANs)
- RAN-Simulator
- Simulates multiple E2 nodes (CU-CP/DU/RU) and UEs
- Generates SD-RAN control plane messages
- Does not support the LTE traffic
- OMEC / CU-CP / OAI nFAPI emulator for DU/UE
- Completely runs OMEC, a 4G/LTE core network - not emulation
- Completely runs CU-CP, which generates SD-RAN control plane messages - not emulation
- Emulates DU and UEs (up to three UEs) with OAI nAFPI emulator, which generate LTE control and user plane traffic
- OMEC / CU-CP / OAI DU and UE with USRP hardware and/or LTE smartphones
- Completely runs OMEC, a 4G/LTE core network - not emulation
- Completely runs CU-CP, which generates SD-RAN control plane messages - not emulation
- Completely runs OAI DU together with the CU-CP and a USRP device to open a cell - Software Defined Radio (SDR) device-based emulation which commercial LTE phones can attach
- Completely runs OAI UE with a USRP device to attach the cell the CU-CP and OAI DU opens
- RAN-Simulator
- Support End-to-End (E2E) connectivity test
- The user plane E2E test
- Works with CU-CP / OAI nFAPI emulator and CU-CP / OAI DU and UE with USRP hardware cases, since RAN-Sim does not support the data traffic
- The SD-RAN control plane E2E test
- Works with xAPPs such as onos-kpimon, onos-pci, onos-mlb and onos-mho
- The user plane E2E test
RiaB has three versions: latest, master-stable, dev, and each release/tag such as v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.1.1, and v1.2.0.
The latest version of RiaB deploys latest Helm charts and latest Docker container images.
The master-stable version of RiaB deploys latest Helm charts but not latest Docker container images. It deploys the Docker containers according to the image tag described in each Helm chart.
The release/tag version such as v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.1.1, and v1.2.0 deployes a specific SD-RAN release version of Helm charts and Docker container images.
The dev version deploys Helm charts in the ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts
directory and Docker container images sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml
All other versions initially change the ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts
branch to the specific version.
For example, the latest version and master-stable version change the the ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts
branch to master
while the v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.1.1, and v1.2.0 versions change that branch to v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.1.1, and v1.2.0, respectively.
If we change some Helm chart code in ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts
directory for a test, the above versions will reset to the master or a specific version branch.
However, since the dev option just uses the Helm chart in ~/helm-charts/sdran-helm-charts
as is, we can test the Helm chart chages.
Also, once we specify image tags in the sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml
files, this version deploys the Docker containers with the Helm chart change.
RiaB also has four options: ONOS RIC with OAI nFAPI emulator, ONOS RIC with RAN-Simulator, ONOS RIC with OAI and USRP devices, and Facebook-AirHop xAPP use case.
The ONOS RIC with OAAI nFAPI emulator option deploys ONOS RIC services (i.e., Atomix, onos-operator, onos-topo, onos-config, onos-cli, onos-e2t, onos-e2sub, etc) with OMEC, CU-CP, and OAI nFAPI emulator. It supports E2E connectivities on the data plane and SD-RAN control plane. The data plane is running without the real radio signal, but nFAPI.
The ONOS RIC with RAN-Simulator option deploys ONOS RIC services with RAN-Simulator. It supports an E2E connectivity on the SD-RAN control plane.
The ONOS RIC with OAI and USRP devices option deploys ONOS RIC services with OMEC, CU-CP, OAI DU, and OAI UE with USRP devices. It supports E2E connectivities on the data plane and SD-RAN control plane. The data plane is running with the real radio signal, so that we can also test with commercial LTE smartphones.
The Facebook-AirHop use case option is similar to the ONOS RIC with RAN-Simulator option. The only difference is the PCI xAPP. This option deploys the PCI xAPP from Facebook-AirHop, while ONOS RIC with RAN-Simulator option uses ONF ONOS-PCI xAPP.
See docs directory for details of RiaB.