Here's the challenge for anyone hoping to join the June to August Technical Internship Cohort at Africa's Talking.
The code challenge is and will always be judged using the following criteria:
- A Correct fork, branch and pull request
- Using the GitHub Pull Request Time Stamp and correct code quality & structure, we unfortunately won't be able to consider any code challenge that goes over the timeline stated above.
- Code quality and structure will be evaluated by the team
- Do not share any code that you cannot opensource on the Git Repository as its open source and Africa's Talking will not be liable for any breach of intellectual property (if any) once shared on the platform.
- Complete both challenges below
You can participate on as many challenges as you wish:
- Do not share any code that you cannot opensource on the Git Repository as its open source and Africa's Talking will not be liable for any breach of intellectual property (if any) once shared on the platform.
- Code Challenges are time bound - the time restriction is specified on the challenge
- Additional rules MAY be provided on the code challenge and will vary for each challenge
- You are free to use your tools of choice as long as they fall under the rules of the challenge as below
- Only successful interviewies will be contacted for the next round of interviews
- A chance to work with some of the most brilliant minds in the world!
With the assumption that you are using an object oriented programming language, write a program that given hundreds of documents, can find all documents with words containing the letter "a" in them.
Create a simple USSD + SMS app that does user registration.
User journey: person dials the USSD Code and gets prompted for a username and email address. After which they get an SMS response telling them they've registered successfully
- AT SDKs:
- Sandbox + Simulator: Which you access when you open your AT account
- AT docs:
1.Fork the code challenge repository provided.
2.Make a topic branch. In your github form, keep the master branch clean. When you create a branch, it essentially will be a copy of the master.
Pull all changes, make sure your repository is up to date
$ cd June_2019_Challenge
$ git pull origin master
Create a new branch as follows-> git checkout -b [your name], e.g.
$ git checkout -b roina_ochieng master
See all branches created
$ git branch
* roina_ochieng
Push the new branch to github
$ git push origin -u roina_ochieng
3.Make changes to the fork following the Code Challenge provided.
4.Commit the changes to your fork.
5.Make a pull request to the January_2019_UiUx_Challenge Repo.
In case you have any questions, reach out the team or the #internship_challenge Slack channel