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Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning

Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning Android SDK simplifies integration with Google Wallet.


The SDK is available from Maven Central.

Import from Maven Central

  1. Import the SDK by adding this line to your build.gradle file.


The SDK interaction is performed through calls to an instance of CardProvisioning. This instance is provided by a static function of the CardProvisioning class:

fun create(
        sdkInput: String,
        activityProvider: () -> Activity,
    ): CardProvisioningCreateResult

The CardProvisioning class utilises suspend functions which return when the requested operation has either completed or failed and return objects which can be queried for the request state:

suspend fun canProvision(): CanProvisionResult
suspend fun createSdkOutput(): GetSdkOutputResult
suspend fun provision(sdkInput: String, cardDisplayName: String, cardAddress: CardAddress): ProvisionResult

Creating a provisioning client instance

Perform a GET request to endpoint /paymentInstruments/{paymentInstrumentId}/networkTokenActivationData from your backend. The response contains sdkInput data.

Make a call to the CardProvisioning.create() static function passing in the sdkInput data and a function which returns an Activity (this function should return the Activity which hosts your application's card issuing functionality, or the main Activity for a single Activity application).

The create() function returns a result object which indicates success or failure of the operation. Possible failure reasons are that Google Pay is not supported for the given card or the the sdkInput data is invalid and cannot be parsed.

val result = CardProvisioning.create(
    sdkInput = sdkInput,
    activityProvider = { cardIssuingActivity },

val cardProvisioning = when(result) {
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Success -> result.cardProvisioning
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Failure.GooglePayNotSupported -> throw Exception("The card does not support Google Pay")
    is CardProvisioningCreateResult.Failure.InvalidSdkInput -> throw Exception("The sdk input data is invalid")

Checking if a card can be provisioned

Check if the cardholder can add a payment card to their Google Wallet.

val canProvision = cardProvisioning.canProvision() == CanProvisionResult.CanBeProvisioned

Initiate card provisioning

When the cardholder opts to add a card to Google Wallet, initiate provisioning by performing the following steps:

  1. Make a call to cardProvisioning.createSdkOuput() to retrieve the sdkOuput string required for step 2.
  2. Make a POST paymentInstruments/{paymentInstrumentId}/networkTokenActivationData request from your backend to provision the payment instrument. The body must contain the sdkOuput obtained from step 1. The response contains the sdkInput object.
  3. Make a call to cardProvisioning.provision() passing the sdkInput value plus the cardholder name string and an instance of CardAddress:
    sdkInput = sdkInput,
    cardDisplayName = "John Doe",
    cardAddress = CardAddress()

Note: If you provide an empty CardAddress, as above, then the user will be prompted to enter their address during the Google Wallet provisioning flow.

For more documentation refer to our complete documentation

See also


This SDK is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For more information, see the LICENSE file.


Adyen Google Wallet Provisioning SDK



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