It's an Amazing Video Conferencing Web Application build over WebRTC and
Try Live Demo on below URL.
- One to One and Room Group Messaging
- Going to implement.
- Video conferencing
- One to One and group calls
- In Meet messaging/video
- Authentication
- Login using gmail account.
- Auth check in meet to prevent unauthorized users from entering.
Front End / Client Side
- EJS Templetes - App state management
BackEnd Server:
- For search
- Heroku NodeJs environment - deployment.
- For real time connections
- - Layer over WebSockets.
- For video calling
- PeerJs - Layer over webRTC
- Heroku instance for PeerJs server deployment
- For search
Data Management (Databases):
- Firebase Firestore - Data management.
- Clone the Repo
git clone meetra
- Change the directory
cd ./meetra
- Install node dependencies
npm install
- Replace firebase API keys with your configurations
- Create a
file- Add relevant credentials
- Run the command
npm run devStart
- The app is now running at http://localhost:3000
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