Get your perfect tune with Swipefy, the 1st music app that suggests songs according to your swipes.An Android application, written in Kotlin, seamlessly integrates with the spotify api.
- Song Search.
- Swipe Interface.
- Song Recommendation.
- Secure SignIn and SignUp.
- Detailed User Activity Tracking.
Contributors are always welcome !. The issues should be raised via the GitHub issue tracker.
Fork the Project
Create Feature Branch
git checkout -b fix_#issue_no
Commit your Changes
git commit -m "feat/design:Add some message"
Push to the Branch
git push --set-upstream origin fix_#issue_no
Open a Pull Request
To start, ensure that you've successfully downloaded and properly configured the Android Studio SDK. You can refer to a guide detailing the setup process here.
Clone the repository
git clone
Open Android Studio.
Click on 'Open an existing Android Studio project'
Browse to the directory where you cloned the android-client repo and click OK.
Let Android Studio import the project.
Build the application in your device by clicking run button.
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