I'm proud to present to you one of my favorite puzzle games, Sudoku, made entirely in Python! This program has quite a few neat features in it, including semi-randomized boards, a difficulty select, a timer, a built-in answer check, a hint system, and even a way to let an AI solve the puzzle itself if you get stuck but still want to see the solution.
- The user can choose from one of four difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme
- If the user chooses the same level twice (even if not in a row) the board will be different
- The user can get 3 hints in every game
- The user will lose after 5 wrong inputs
- If the user filled the board correctly, a win screen will appear
- The user can press the 'Solve' button and the game will solve itself! Handy if you've given up but want to see the solution!
- At any time, the user can go back to the main screen and choose a different difficulty level by pressing the 'Menu' button
- Pick a square and type a number (1-9) using the number row on your keyboard
- The number should appear only once in the row, column, and square or "sub-grid" (9 spaces each)
- If you're sure of your answer, hit the Enter key to lock it in. Otherwise, press the backspace key to clear the square.
- If a red 'X' appears on the top right of the window, you guessed incorrectly and have to try again
- If you are stuck and not sure what to do, press the 'Hint' button, but be warned! You only have 3 hints!
- If you enter 5 wrong answers, you lose the game. Please try again!