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I'm proud to present to you one of my favorite puzzle games, Sudoku, made entirely in Python! This program has quite a few neat features in it, including semi-randomized boards, a difficulty select, a timer, a built-in answer check, a hint system, and even a way to let an AI solve the puzzle itself if you get stuck but still want to see the solution.


  • The user can choose from one of four difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard and Extreme
  • If the user chooses the same level twice (even if not in a row) the board will be different
  • The user can get 3 hints in every game
  • The user will lose after 5 wrong inputs
  • If the user filled the board correctly, a win screen will appear
  • The user can press the 'Solve' button and the game will solve itself! Handy if you've given up but want to see the solution!
  • At any time, the user can go back to the main screen and choose a different difficulty level by pressing the 'Menu' button

How to Play

  • Pick a square and type a number (1-9) using the number row on your keyboard
  • The number should appear only once in the row, column, and square or "sub-grid" (9 spaces each)
  • If you're sure of your answer, hit the Enter key to lock it in. Otherwise, press the backspace key to clear the square.
  • If a red 'X' appears on the top right of the window, you guessed incorrectly and have to try again
  • If you are stuck and not sure what to do, press the 'Hint' button, but be warned! You only have 3 hints!
  • If you enter 5 wrong answers, you lose the game. Please try again!


main menu with difficulty select

the game board with three mistakes already made

the win screen with options to exit or try again

the game over screen with options to exit or try again


Sudoku made entirely within Python!






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