- 🔭 I’m currently Student At Unity University
- 🌱 I’m currently learning AWS
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on innovative projects
- 💬 Ask me about .NET, Next.Js, React, JavaScript
- ⚡ Fun fact: Me gustan los girasoles.
The "KOBA Patisserie and Bakery E-commerce Website" is a full-stack project for a local bakery, featuring product browsing, shopping cart, and order management. It uses .NET 6 with SQLite for the b…
C# 1
"Event Addis" is full-stack event hosting platform built with .NET Core for the backend and React for the frontend. it provides seamless event management feature, allowing users to create, manage, …
JavaScript 1
A plagiarism detection tool for Amharic text using Natural Language Processing (NLP). Built with Flask, this project allows users to check the similarity of text, providing a plagiarism score based…
This repository contains a full-stack Employee Management System built using React for the frontend and .NET Core for the backend. The system allows businesses to manage employee data efficiently, …
A powerful moderation bot for Discord servers, built with Python and powered by a custom-trained AI model for detecting and handling hate speech. Ensures a safer community by automatically moderati…
Jafer Books is an online book management system designed to simplify the process of managing book inventories, authors, and categories. This project is developed to provide efficient book record ma…