This project aims to predict the stock price of Apple Inc. (AAPL) using data from Yahoo Finance via the Rapid API. The prediction models are based on SARIMA (Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) implemented using TensorFlow. The project also utilizes Grafana for data visualization, PostgreSQL for data storage, FastAPI for REST endpoints, and Docker for containerization.
This is just a sample analysis and it is not financial analysis for Apple Inc or any stock. I've tested out both SARIMA and LSTM for this project and have stored the weights of LSTM
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Set up your environment:
Refer the .env.example
- Installing python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Spin up the Docker Instance:
docker compose up
- Run the FastAPI server:
uvicorn app:app
- Thanks to Yahoo Finance and Rapid API for providing the stock price data.
- The SARIMA and LSTM models are built using TensorFlow.
- Grafana and PostgreSQL help with data visualization and storage.
- FastAPI provides the RESTful API for accessing predictions.
- Docker makes the project containerized and deployable.
Data Fetching:
- Yahoo Finance
- Rapid API
Data Storage:
- PostgreSQL
- (TimeScaleDB will be implemented in the future)
Data Visualization:
- Grafana
REST Endpoint:
- FastAPI
Machine Learning Models:
- LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) using TensorFlow
- Docker
This project is licensed under the GPL. Feel free to re-use it😉