- Install node v0.12.1 through nvm. See https://github.com/creationix/nvm
- Install babel
npm install --global babel
- Install gulp
npm install --global gulp
- install node-migrate from our harmony fork
npm install -g igmcdowell/node-migrate
- install npm-shrinkwrap
npm install -g npm-shrinkwrap
- install neo4j
brew install neo4j
- install JDK7 (neo4j dependency)
- install and setup mongo
brew install mongo
sudo mkdir /data
sudo mkdir /data/db
sudo chown
- Start the mongo server
mongod --auth
- Run the mongo client on command line
- Then create our admin user
use admin
db.createUser({user:'admin', pwd:'REPLACE_FROM_ENV', roles: [{role:"userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}]})
- Then
from the mongo shell - Then start a new mongo shell as our admin
mongo -u admin -p REPLACE_FROM_ENV --authenticationDatabase admin
- Then create our working user
use test
db.createUser({user:'meetgun', pwd:'REPLACE_FROM_ENV', roles: [{role:"readWrite", db: "test"}]})
- Start the mongo server
For neo4j
- Copy the neo4j auth file from somewhere... Ian and Ben have it.
npm install
Node-inspector looks/works a lot like the chrome inspector, and makes it significantly easier to debug node.
- Make sure you have node-inspector installed
npm install -g node-inspector
- Start build process/server in debug mode
gulp --debug
- Start node-inspector (it should attach to the running node process)
Add Package Control by following
Add packages via Package Control
cmd + shift + p
- SublimeGit
- Fix Mac Path
- Babel
Optional Packages
- BracketHiglighter
- GitGutter
- GotoRowCol
Add to sublime settings: "tab_size": 2, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true
Optional sublime settings (prevent built stuff from showing up in your search): "binary_file_patterns": [ "node_modules/", "public/js/bundle", "public/js/common*", "public/style/addons*", "public/style/app*" ]
- Add a pre-commit hook for
touch .git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod +x !$
- Add this to the newly created file
#!/bin/sh if ( git diff --cached --name-status | grep -q '[[:blank:]]package.json' ) && ! ( git diff --cached --name-status | grep -q npm-shrinkwrap.json ); then echo "Running shrinkwrap and adding new npm-shrinkwrap.json to staged files" npm-shrinkwrap --dev git add ./npm-shrinkwrap.json fi
- Ignore node_modules and bundles in sublime text search
Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Settings - User
"binary_file_patterns": [ "node_modules/*", "public/js/bundle.js", "public/lib/common.js" ],
- Install react developer tools for chrome
See deploy.md