This sample targets for demonstrating TensorRT2.1 Plugin API
We leverage most of the functions from jetson_inference; please check it first if you need more DL samples:
Jetson TX2
$ sudo apt-get install git cmake
$ git clone
$ cd Face-Recognition
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd aarch64/bin
$ ./face-recognition
This plugin layer demonstrate how to implement a CPU-based Plugin layer
- Make required tensor as output
- Allocate unified memory: CPU pointer== GPU pointer
This plugin layer demonstrate how to implement a GPU Plugin layer
- Got input/output data pointer in enqueue function
- Launch GPU kernel with same cuda stream
This plugin layer demonstrate more complicated handling of Plugin layer
- This class can handle two differient layers: selectBbox and summaryLabel
- Define some shared variable to make between layers communication easier
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